The future is bright for us all.

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The next morning, Sarah woke up a bit drowsy and moaned at her aching body.

"ooow" She pleads to herself.

"Oh dear." Jareth says jokingly, almost in the voice he'd use for Ryanth. "Someone has got a hangover!"

"Please say I didn't go 'over board' ..." She closed her eyes and flopped back into her pillow

"No, you were very 'gracious' about everything" Jareth says lying beside Sarah.

"How was Elle. From what I remember, she was half drunk." Sarah smiled to herself.

"Oh yes, well..." Jareth sits up

"What happened." Sarah's voice went louder.

"They, were snogging a lot. And they both went into Shadow's room from what I remember." Jareth swept away a straggle of hair from Sarah's face that fell out of place.

"I don't think I'll be talking to the pair today." She rolled the other side so she was facing Jareth

"Okay." he sighs. "But, do you remember a nice looking young man took Magenta for a dance?" He asks softly knowing Sarah

Sarah just nods

"Well, he's called Alfie, and, Magenta is, well... in love." He ends smiling.

Sarah opens her eyes and looks at Jareth. "I've always wanted the best for her. I really do love my little sister in law."

"Tell her." Jareth says kissing her head

"I will, might try and plan a day with her." Sarah decides to herself.

"Well, you might want to hurry up. It's midday." Jareth laughs to himself

"Turn back time. Make it 9 a.m." And so he did.


It was a sunny day, the breakfast room looked bright, whether it was the weather or the people, it all depended.

"Morning all" Sarah said smiling straight at Magenta

"Morning Sarah" Ruebella replied first

"Alright Sar?" Elle says casually, Sarah knew she was in a worse state then her.

"Seems like you've got a bit of a hangover." Sarah sits. But, Elle slams her napkin on the table and walks out. Shadow rolls his eyes and follows. Tracing his fingers over Sarah's chair and licking his lips. He made Sarah feel sick.

It just left Toby, Ruebella, Jareth, Sarah, Alfie, Magenta, baby Ryanth, Felix and Iris

"Ruebella?" Toby asks shyly.

"Yes Toby?" She replies

"Can we go?" He says slumping in his chair

"Ask your sister and brother in law!" She laughs

"Of course you can Toby, have a nice day" Jareth says whilst Sarah kisses Toby's forehead.

"see you later Toby!" Sarah waves.

Toby slammed the door making Ryanth cry "Oh dear!" Sarah says cheerfully, even though she was suffering from a hangover, she still needed to stay happy for her boy.

Sarah gave him his food, whilst Jareth spoke to Alfie. By now, Magenta was sitting just next to Sarah, smiling at her nephew.

"I'm so glad I have a nephew" Magenta whispers.  

"Wow. What's changed you?" Sarah giggles.

"Him." Both Magenta and Sarah look over to Alfie who was already beaming a smile at Magenta. Magenta just blushed.

"I love seeing you happy." Sarah mumbled to her. "You suit your name more"

"I like it more now" She grins

"Do you think he's the one?" Sarah asks

"Well, he's not arrogant. He's not a prince, he's just..." She blushes again.

"He's yours" Sarah finished

"And, the parents approve" Magenta looks in the corner of her eye at her parents.

"Oh look, looks like he's a part of the family already." The parents and Jareth were laughing at a joke Alfie told.

"I really do love him, and I think he's made me a better person." Sarah nods at Magenta

"How about, you and Alfie come with me Jareth and Ryanth into the Labyrinths gardens? If you get lost, it doesn't matter. If you need us, you just got to think for me, or Jareth" She holds Magenta's hands.

"Thank you so much" she tears.


That afternoon, Ryanth was in his black and white pram being pushed by Sarah with Jareth just next to her, whereas Magenta and Alfie were holding hands walking in front, kissing now and again. Sarah could see that he was right for her.

"I hope they get married" Sarah says to Jareth

"Oh they will, very soon. He's nice. and, it was a shock mum and dad said yes about him! they only like princes and princesses! but they loved you," He winks to Sarah

"I love your mum, she really cares about us all." She kisses him

"You know, Magenta really loves Ryanth too, go and give her the pram" He nudges Sarah

"Ok, wait a sec then." She pauses. "Magenta?" She turns around with a big smile. "Can you do me a favour?" She starts walking over, but Alfie dragged her back flirtatiously, Magenta started laughing and held his hand and walked over to Sarah.

"What can we do for you?" She says putting her arm round Alfie's neck.

"Can you push Ryanth for a bit?" Magenta grins at Sarah pushing her out the way to take Ryanth

She giggles, finally, Jareth and Sarah could get closer now. Even though Magenta was pushing a pram, Alfie and her were making silly baby noises.

"They'll be great parents too." Jareth whispers

"I can't wait to see the future of these too." Sarah smiles as Magenta and Alfie kiss again for a long time.

"The future looks bright for us all." Jareth kisses Sarah's forehead and continues to walk.

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