Chapter 3

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"Tringg, Tringg, Tringgg" Bilal's phone alarm rang. It was 4:30AM. He usually kept weird alarm ringtones so that he could hear them and get up. The alarm continued and he just snoozed it. It snoozed for 5 minutes. He then woke up at second alarm, worrying that his family members would get up. He woke, got freshed, prayed Fajr prayer and was sitting on his chair revising stuff. He didn't do that usually, but since he woke up early today he did.

It was 5:15AM and his mother was supposed to wake by this time to give him breakfast and lunch. "Why didn't she wake up till now?" he thought to himself. First he thought of making breakfast himself but then he simply let that thought go away. He was quite good in cooking, but he didn't have much interest in cooking. Yes once or twice he would cook if he was alone or his mother would be sick. He cooked pretty much nice, and his food was appreciated most of the time.

"Maybe I should just call mom and ask her to get up or else I will be late today also." Bilal told to himself.

"Tringg Tringg" her mom's phone was ringing,

"Hello!" answered his mom.

"Mom, have you looked at the time, it's 5:35. My bus will come anytime. Can you just get up and give me breakfast and lunch or should I just grab something from Canteen?"

"Do you know what day is it today?" asked his mom with a bit of angry tone.

"It's Sunday today" replied Bilal.

"Noooo! It is Saturday and do you want to go to school on a Saturday morning also?" asked his mother with a heavy sarcasm. Of course her anger was valid, who would like to get disturbed on a weekend morning.

"Sorry mom" replied Bilal and disconnected the call. He felt really funny at the moment.

He then went to his room back and changed his clothes back. Then he grabbed his phone and checked all his messages. He opened his Instagram, but to his dismay Sarah had not replied yet to his message which he sent the previous day. "Maybe she is still sleeping!" exclaimed Bilal. He then continued his revision for 1 hour. Took a break in between and had his breakfast. He had a toasted bread, milk and an Oreo biscuit which was his favourite biscuit as breakfast. He then secretly had some Nutella. His sister would usually made him mad for having Nutella.

He then studied continuously till noon. He first took Physics, then Maths and rest of the subjects. His father advised him that best time to learn or study is the morning hours. and he would listen to his advice. Not regularly but often. It was 12 now.

"Oh, it's 12! How fast the time passed by." Bilal said. He then went to pray Zuhr prayer in the mosque. After praying he met some of his neighbourhood friends Ali, Junaid, and Haneen, and spook with them for sometime. Suddenly he remembered Sarah, he had a feeling as if she messaged him. He then took a leave from his friends, and rushed home. He quickly grabbed his phone and checked his Instagram and yes he was right. There was a message from Sarah,

"Hey Bilal! How are you?" Bilal took a seat on Sofa. They spoke for long time this time. This time he didn't have anything to stop, no tuition, nothing! But he made a plan to hangout with his friends today, and strangely he remembered that very well!

"Sorry Sarah I have to go! Me and my friends have planned to hangout today so I will have go. So sorry, leaving you every now and then. I hope you don't mind." said Bilal bit sadly.

"Nooo, it's absolutely okay. I don't mind it at all. Go and enjoy. Have fun Bilal!" Sarah replied happily. Sarah was beautiful, kind-hearted and understanding person. Bilal liked her smile a lot and made sure that he never let it go.

Bilal got ready and was waiting for his friends. They had planned to go for bowling and then some video game and then eating something. As Bilal was waiting for his friends, he started thinking of Sarah. He slowly started smiling. After sometime his friends arrived. One of his friend had a car and they all went with him.

"So what's the plan?" asked Bilal.

"Intercontinental is closed due some reasons I don't know" answered one of his friend.

"So what now? How about Billiards?" Bilal gave a suggestion.

"Perfect!" answered one of his friend.

Bilal was quite good at billiards. They played for 1 hour, then they went to play video games.

"Guys, I am hungry now! Let's go somewhere and eat something." Bilal said in a bit of low tone since he was very much hungry. They went to eat Pizza. They had an amazing day!

His friends dropped him home.

"AS SALAMU ALAIKUM" he said to everyone in the house.

"WALAIKUMU SALAAM" replied everyone. He took his phone and messaged Sarah, but she wasn't online. He then took his TV remote, switched on his TV and randomly changed channels.

"Aaahhh! What an amazing day" he said suddenly recalling everything he did today.

"Spoke with Sarah for so long, had a great time with friends. What more do you want man!" said Bilal to himself.  

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