Chapter 14

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"Done with this, aannndddd this also." Bilal said to himself turning pages of his physics textbook. Tomorrow is Bilal's first exam, which is physics. He was almost done. Only a few chapter's revision was left. Physics was quite a difficult subject for him. He didn't really like the subject, but he had to study in order to pass. So he mainly concentrated on Physics and Maths before itself so he didn't had to stress a day before the exam. Other subjects he would manage somehow. In physics, he hated derivations, theory part was quite interesting for him. But he practiced them somehow and his teachers also helped on some important derivations. Derivations which they would usually ask in exam. They made him solve some exam papers so that he would get some idea.

Bilal was so busy in studies that he completely forgot about Sarah. They both didn't speak for quite a couple of days. Sarah suddenly stopped coming online, she promised him but she didn't keep her promise. Although he texted her earlier, but she didn't see the text yet. Bilal was worried about his exams that he barely got time to even think of her. So he decided he deal with her after his exams. He basically wasn't active on any social networking site now.

He started worrying about the question paper. He prayed that the question should be easy.

"Previous year it was moderate, what if they make a difficult one this time?" This thought kept hitting him and he would again check did he miss anything.

"Done with everything?" His father asked entering his room.

"Yeah. Done with everything, but still worried about the question paper." He replied.

"Do your maximum, and leave the rest to God. Best of Luck for your exams."

"Thank you daddy."

"And now sleep, so that you can get up early tomorrow. You can do the remaining revision in morning."

"Okay. I'll pack my things and sleep. Good night daddy!"

He then set his alarm to 5:00AM and dozed off.


"Still 15 minutes for the alarm. I'll sleep till then."

His alarm rang at 5, he turned it off and slept for some more time.


"Oh, shit. I am late. Glad only 10 minutes late. This should not happen next time." He quickly got fresh and had his breakfast. He started revising until his bus came.

"Beep beep beeeeeeepppp..."

"Moomm, am leaving."

"Okay, best of luck. Do well!"

When he reached school, he met his friends, they all were speaking about question papers difficulty level. After a couple of minutes, they all had to go their respective seats.

Now here, each and every student was tensed. When the question paper was given, Bilal was satisfied.

"Phew looks easy." He said to himself. Few questions were tricky, few were difficult, but overall it was good.

"Okay boys, time up. Kindly give your answer sheet to your respective invigilator. No extra time is being given." The vice principal announced on the mike.

After the exam, Bilal and his friends were discussing about the paper and their answers.

"Anyway, it was good. I don't know about others, but mine was good." Bilal said.

"It was good for us also bro." They all said.

"One down, four to go." Bilal said.

"Hahaha, yeah."

Then they all parted their buses. "Next English, thank God, at least I can relax a bit. And that too, 3 days holiday for it. I'll prepare for Maths and then study English." He said to himself. They would get 3-4 days study holiday and sometimes 1-2 weeks. His exams would go on for 1 month. 

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