The Commander Falls

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Lexa POV

"I'll get back to you on that," I say with a wink. I speed off, leaving a stunned Clarke in my wake. What can I say, I have a flare for dramatic exits. I'm about to make the turn into the cafeteria but I decide against it. Instead, I walk outside and sit on the steps to the school. This is usually the best place for me to just catch my breath and think. I take out my phone to text Anya where I am, she is my older sister after all and she does worry. Unfortunately, the annoying dead battery signal flashes. I sigh, this is what I get for using Tumblr instead of paying attention first period. Anya will just have to worry for a little bit. She's probably the only one who is truly worried anyways.

I need to think this whole Clarke thing through. I clearly cannot ice her out. That ship is long gone, I've already lowered my walls more for her than I have with some people who I've known for years. I still do have boundaries I must keep and an image that must remain intact. Joking with this strange new blonde will do nothing but make me appear weak. That's what this is. Weakness. I need to be able to be around her without crumbling under her gaze. Without my heart speeding up when she accidentally brushes against me on our walks.

Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted and I'm sent tumbling down the stairs. I catch myself by the end, but I feel a warm liquid flowing down my face. I reach up and touch the warm area. I pull my fingers down and notice they glisten with a sticky red substance.

"Hello Commander," I hear a sneering voice behind me. I don't need to look. It's that greasy rat, Murphy. I snarl under my breath. "You're not so tough now, without your muscle surrounding you. I think you're just a weak little girl who would be nothing without that intimidating group of yours," he taunts.

I spit out the metallic taste that's been filling my mouth and grab the rail to help me stand. Lexa Woods does not sit idly by when her honor is questioned. As I get to my feet I feel a little dizzy but I grit my teeth and fight the blackness that is threatening to take over. Murphy keeps the same leering smile on, but I can see a little shock in his eyes.

"You. Know. Nothing. About. Me," I growl. With that, I launch at him. I hear his pained cries but they just turn into background noise. Almost everyday since he's arrived I've had to deal with this pest, and I'm so tired. I punch, kick, scratch, and occasionally pull any part of this kid that I think can hurt him. This isn't just his fight anymore, it's my own pent-up rage at myself being unleashed.

"Lexa? Lexa? Where are y- LEXA," I hear a concerned voice yell. I hear two pairs of feet pounding towards me, and finally I come down from my anger. I shove Murphy aside and scooch to another part of the steps. I prepare myself for the incoming lecture but it never comes.

"Murphy you idiot, what the hell did you do to her?" I hear. My head jolts up, and I see Clarke. She looks distraught, to say the least, and I immediately feel guilty for worrying her. She's crouching over Murphy, lifting him up roughly by his shirt fabric.

"What did I do to her? Do you have fucking eyes, Clarke? She attacked me!" he cries, incredulous.

"Be lucky she got there first. The things I'm going to do to you-" she seethes.

"Clarke," I groan. She immediately drops him, letting his head fall back on the pavement with a satisfying thud. She quickly reaches me and checks me up and down until her eyes land on my reddening head.

"Clarke, we should probably get medical attention for this," I hear another male voice sounding concerned in the background.

"Yeah, Bellamy's right you need serious attention..." she says worriedly.

"No. Please, no hospitals," I plead. I hate this, why do I sound so vulnerable right now?

"You should at least see the nurse Lexa," she tries again.

"No, I'm fine," I say stubbornly. I latch onto her shoulder and push up, struggling to stand. Clarke looks worried and immediately stands up as well to help support me. However, I barely move my foot to take my first step when the darkness completely wins out and they only thing I can do is fall. I feel Clarke's arms catch me and then I'm gone.

Short chapter I know, but that's what I have to do. There's not much else to do here until Lexa wakes up. But trust me, I have plans for that.

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