The Bet

604 19 88

Clarke POV
I stretch out of bed lazily, as usual, and throw on the first set of clothes I can get my hands on. I had a rough weekend of intense thinking. I didn't get out of bed much, but I was never really sleeping either. Just thinking. What I was thinking about, I don't remember. I made a deal with myself last night that I would go to bed if I repressed the memory I was pondering. So I did. Ignorance can sometimes be bliss. So I drag myself to the kitchen table and my mother is there cooking breakfast.

"Morning, Clarke!" she says chipperly. I don't understand morning people. I think they must secretly be aliens because no one should enjoy getting up before the sun.

"Morning mom," I reply back, my voice gravelly from my weekend of silence.

"Good to see that you're alive," she teases lightly back. I chuckle but don't reply.

"Ok breakfast is ready. Hope you're up for pancakes," she says, setting the plate in front of me. I groan as all of the events of last Friday come flooding back to me. So much for repressing the memories. I've lost my appetite and my mother looks at me, concerned. I just shake my head at her and she says nothing.

Later, at school

The bell just rang and I'm walking to class. Alone. Without Lexa. This is the first time that's ever happened. Even when she was icing me out, she still walked with me. I make my sad, lonely trip to home room. The entire class I zone out and doodle. I don't think I could focus even if I tried. The period flies by and I begin to pack up my notebook when I notice my absent-minded doodles. There's just a bunch of Lexas filling up my paper. Doodles of her name cover the page of notes I was supposed to be taking about Romeo and Juliet. 

(A/N No I did not waste an entire period in class doodling these for this story, that would be ridiculous

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(A/N No I did not waste an entire period in class doodling these for this story, that would be ridiculous. I only wasted HALF of a class.)

I see hearts around the various versions of her name, so I rip the paper up and crumple the pieces into small balls. I then wrap them in a tissue, because you can never be too safe, and throw it away. I'm the last person to leave the classroom, so the terrifying tide of teenagers has already dissipated from the hallway. With just me and some lone stragglers, I have the peace and quiet I need to just relax and think.

I enjoy it until I open the door to the cafeteria and the roar of noise practically swallows me. With a sigh, I walk over to my table and sit. Before I'm even touching the chair my over excited best friend begins pestering me with questions.

"Soooooo, you went home with Lexa last Friday, how'd that go? Spare us NO details," she demands.

"I don't really want to talk about," I reply.

"Yeah, maybe we should leave her alone, Raven. She looks tire-" Octavia begins before Raven cuts her off.

"You're just saying that because I'm totally going to win the bet and you're afraid of the stakes."

"I'm not afraid of the stakes," Octavia mumbles.

"I'm probably going to regret this, but what are the stakes?" I ask warily.

"Whoever loses has to ask someone out from Lexa crew, of the winner's choosing. But obviously not Lexa, because that's your girl and all," Raven says with a grin and Octavia smiles rather apologetically. I groan at the two of them.

"So, speaking of, where is your terrifying girlfriend?" Raven asks.

"It's complicated."

"That sounds like Octavia's going to have to ask out Lincoln," Raven celebrates and Octavia's face flushes bright red.

"Well, what is the bet? I can tell you if you won or not. And knowing you and your dirty mind, you're wrong," I taunt back, masking my hurt at the topic of Lexa.

"It's quite simple actually. If you two lovebirds have kissed yet, even just pecked lips, I win. If you've done nothing but boring friend stuff and you only left school strictly for a medical purpose, then Octavia wins."

I freeze. Neither of them are exactly right, so I don't know how to go about this.

"Well, there wasn't a kiss-" 

"Aha! See, two hot people can just be friends, Raven!" Octavia cheers.

"But there wasn't exactly... 'just friends' signals either," I finish cautiously.

"What? I'm confused. Spill, Griffin," Raven says, raising an eyebrow.

"Um well there was a look and then we got sort of really close to each other and then I leaned up and she leaned down and then STUPID PANCAKES. Like why are they even a breakfast food, you could just have waffles, or french toast, or eggs, or cereal, or frickin' bacon. It's just so unnecessary, especially since it wasn't even breakfast time and Aden had already left there was no need for him to come back in and-"

"Ok ok I think I understand, but if you keep talking, I know I'm going to be lost," Raven says. I mutter a quick sorry.

"Before her attack on poor pancakes, I believe she said we both lost," Octavia says, sounding slightly relieved. 

"Or... we both won," Raven wiggles her eyebrows. 

"What're you even talking about?" Octavia sighs.

"Well, you ask out Lincoln and I'll ask out whoever you want me to and we go on the best double date of our lives."

"Anya," Octavia throws out.


"If I'm asking out Lincoln, you're asking out Anya," Octavia grins at a clearly ruffled Raven.

"Oh um ok. So we a-ask them out... t-tomorrow? Y-yeah, tomorrow sounds g-g-good, better than today," Raven stutters, her voice going up an octave. I try to smile at the scene, but so much of what they're saying sort of makes me wish for a clean slate with Lexa. I glance over at her table and glare at her empty seat. 

Why isn't she here? She should be healed enough. Unless she's avoiding me... which is totally a possibility. She's probably really freaked out about the whole situation. Bye-bye fun Lexa hello cold-shoulder Lexa. 

My shoulders sag and I tune out the chipper conversation being held in front of me. My phone buzzes.

11:09 am Lexa: We should talk

I immediately convince my fumbling fingers to work and shoot back a text message.

11:09 am Clarke: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. When/where?

11:11 am Lexa: My house, 4:00? Aden's got basketball, Anya's got a party, and I threw out all pancake batter from my house.

11:12 am Clarke: Deal. 

11:32 am Clarke: Are you ok? Why aren't you in school today?

11:59 am Clarke: Lexa?

12:54 pm Clarke: Why would you contact me if you were just going to ignore me?

1:22 pm Clarke: whatever see u at 4

Am I pissed that Lexa never responded? Yeah. But am I still going to see her? Yeah.

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