Part 23

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-One week later-

Austin's P.O.V.

That day, I got the picture message of last night. That day, Alex told me what I had done. That day....was the day the person I love dumped me. It was the choice I made, and I made a dumbass choice. I lost Daphne. She texted me. And I would never forget her words.

From: Daphne♥

"Austin, I'm not gonna yell at you like most girls do. I saw what happened last night. I got the message, I'm sure you did too, and yes, you broke my heart, for the 2nd time. I can't be with you anymore  After just dating you for like 2's been hard. I love you and always will. But, we need to break up. Don't call me please. If you see me, don't talk to me. You hurted me enough. Goodbye."

Now, I know I'm a man. But I cried. I cried my eyes out. It broke my heart. I hadn't cried this much since the brake up with Amanda, and that was a long time ago. I loved Daphne, and I didn't have her anymore. So, the past week, I'd been sitting at home. I'd talked to no one. I hadn't tweeted to my Mahomies other than "taking a break", which I felt so bad for my fans, but I was to upset. I barely ate, I haven't took a shower in like 2 days. I was a mess and the only way to get back on my feet was getting Daphne back, which probably wouldn’t happen ever again.

Daphne's P.O.V.

This past week had been upsetting, but I have been better. Yes, me and Austin broke up. Well...I broke up with him, but I needed to. I couldn't deal with him any more. I completely loved Austin, but it was too much for me. We needed to break up. Besides, I had been talking to Aaron more and more each day. He was really sweet and a total cutie. We were gonna go on a date real soon so, I was excited! 

Austin's P.O.V.

It was now about 2 weeks since I had talked to Daphne, or even seen her at that matter. I cleaned up a bit and hung out with my Mahomies, so I was kind of getting back into the game, even if I was still heart broken. I saw the picture of us on my phone that fans took of us, and I still cried over her. I missed being with her. She was like, my life. School was going to start in 5 days. Oh boy, this was gonna be fun. I texted Vittoria maybe once every day to see how Daphne was doing and she usually just said "fine" and never texted me again.Yes, she was ungry with me too. She hates seeing Daphne upset. I texted and hanged with Alex all the day and he gave me some information , but not too much. He told me she was doing better than me, but if anyone said my name, she cried. I couldn't believe I did this to her. I just wanna kajhfiunhjdfiuh. I got up and went on twitter. I found one picture from a person from school and he DM’d me a pic from the party. Oh great! -.-''

From: @MattyLAWL

DM: Man, just thought you should see this. Take care buddy.

There was Alex on the left, me in the middle and Lucas on the right. I sighed loudly and went to Daphne’s twitter and her last tweets broke my heart even more. She finally came back on twitter like 3 days later, but she only tweeted once per day.

@Daphne_Niall: "Looked at some pictures today, and cried my eyes out. How am I gonna live without you? @Daphne_Niall: "Ahhhhh he just asked me out :) I said yes. Hopefully everything will go okay."

@Daphne_Niall: "Hanging out with @vikiflamini. Missing him, but trying to forget. Past is past."

I frowned at all of them, but tensed about when I read the middle one. She was going out with someone? Who? Ugh. FML.

Daphne's P.O.V.

So...this past week had been SO much better. I felt more relieved than I did the last week. Last week was horrible, this week got so much better! Aaron asked me out and I said yes. I mean, he's such a cutie and he's so sweet! Our date was that night so I was really excited. I was chilling with Vicky by the pool. Me: "Vicky, I'm so nervous! I mean, what if Aaron stops hanging out with me after this date?" She rolled her eyes. Vittoria: "Stop worrying girl. You'll be fine." I smiled and stayed in silent. Her phone started going off and she opened her text message. She kept starring at it for a minute or so. Me: "What’s wrong?" She looked at me, then at the text, then at me again. Vittoria: "Austin knows you’re gonna go out with Aaron.. .Alex just texted me. He said Austin is sooo jealous." I rolled my eyes and sighed a little, calming down a little. Me: "Whatever. Let him be jealous." She shrugged, put her phone down and we continued relaxing. I didn't want to hear about him any more.Nothing could ruin my first date with Aaron

Austin's P.O.V.

It was around 4:50pm and I knew Nicole was gonna go on her date, and what made me more jealous and upset, was that she was going out with Aaron. Ugh, I couldn't believe this. I looked at my phone and wondered if I should talk to her or not.... I opened a new message and started tapping away.

Daphne's P.O.V.

It was almost 5pm and Aaron was picking me up around 6:30ish, so I decided to take a shower. I took about 10 mins, then came out. I looked at my phone and noticed I had a message.I was a shocked. It was from "AustinBaby♥". Dang, I had to change that.

From: AustinBaby♥

"Are you really going out with Aaron? o.O''

To: AustinBaby♥


From: AustinBaby♥

"Daphne, I miss you. I really do... :'( I miss hugging you, kissing you, everything. I regret that night, I'm so sorry for hurting you."

To: AustinBaby♥


I dropped my phone on the table and plopped on the bed. Oh gosh. Why did Austin do that? I mean, yes, I missed him. I also missed being with him, kissing him, hugging him, everything as well. But he broke my heart. & I couldn't forgive him.I didn't know even why i texted him back.But I needed to have fun so I just got ready and waited for Aaron.

Austin's P.O.V.

Well, that didn't plain out how I thought it would. Man, I’m such a dumbass. Letting Daphne go. UGH! I got a tweet and it was of course, Daphne’s twitter.

@Daphne_Niall: "Going out soon with a sweet guy.♥"

I cried when I saw that. After seeing that tweet, I cried the whole night. My life was so fucked and I couldn't do anything about it. I guessed we really  needed to move on.

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