Chapter 2: weekend

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Quick note. This has been edited by The First Author. 


Two brunettes walked side by side as the shorter of the two, a reverse trap, growled at nearly everything she saw. The taller one, the darker brunette with purple tips, sighed at her. 'El-nii, please stop glaring at everything' the Boy signed.

At that, the girl stopped to stare at the boy. "But Little B!" she started in a whine. "Erik keeps asking you to hang out with him. Why can't he just leave you alone?" she said with annoyance as she crossed her arms.

The boy, Black, shook his head as he began to speed walk away from her. "Little B?" she muttered. "Black! Don't go without me!" Haruhi, the girl, yelled as she ran after him.


A pink haired male with brown eyes stared at the two people in front of him. The two said people where two blunettes, one with blue eyes and the other with greenish-blue eyes. He rubbed his temples at the two. "Black, Haruhi, what are you doing here?" he asked.

Black then quickly signed that his name was apparently Boris and that Haruhi's was Elliot. The pink haired boy sighed at them, "alright, Boris and Elliot, what are you doing here? Also, call me Natsu."

'Even though Kyoya is a better name than my real one...' he silently thought.

Elliot gave him a look as he asked "are you Natsu from Fairy Tail or something?" Natsu gave him a tight grin as he then said, "no. But the moment my dad saw my pink hair, he decided that I'd be Natsu." Boris just chuckled at this. "Wait a minute, how did you know it was us?" Elliot asked/

Natsu just gave an all knowing smile as he lead them to his living room where two old men sat. The first was a black haired man who had just finished shaving. He had dark red eyes and an easy going grin. Beside him was a man with graying brown hair and silver eyes who sat silently.

"Hello Director Lee, Yoshio Ootori-san" Elliot greeted the two males in front of him with a nod. "Hello to you too White-kun, Black-kun, Flame-kun" the man with silver eyes said with a kind tone.

Natsu smiled at the man before scowling at his father. "Dad, what's going on?" he asked as the Yoshio smirked. "Flame-kun, you are to help Black-kun and White-kun in protecting Tamaki-kun" the man, Director Lee said in a serious tone.

"What?" was the response from Elliot and Natsu as Boris simply tilted his head. "B-but Director Lee! I've retired!" Natsu stated as Elliot nodded. "Besides, we can protect him" Elliot said as he slung an arm around Boris.

Lee sighed as he gave them a small smile. "I know, Flame-kun" he said as he looked into Natsu's eyes. "But you are already close to Tamaki-kun. You have entered their mission. Even if it was by accident" at that, Natsu flinched.

Elliot and Boris gave Natsu a glance as the boy seemed to be smaller. "But I just wanted to laze around and maybe annoy them~" Natsu whined as he fell to a random chair. Elliot rolled his eyes at him as Elliot kicked the pink haired male.

"Ow!" Natsu yelped as Boris gave him a concerned look. The boy gave Boris a smile as he said "I'm okay Lil' B." Elliot scowled at him for smiling at Boris. A cough reminded the trio that the two old men are still there. 

"Also, Gold will join you" Yoshio commented as the three stared at him. "WHY!?!?!?" Natsu yelled as he slapped his dad. "Rude much?" Yoshio mumbled as his son screamed. Elliot punched the screaming boy in the guts, effectively shutting him up. "Not to be rude, but why the fuck is Lars joining us?" Elliot said while Boris poked Natsu.

Lee smiled at him patently as he said "Gold-kun had decided to study in Ouran High, much like Flame-kun did. By doing so, he had entered your mission." Elliot groaned into his hands at that.

'Why!? All of us are now protecting the kid!' he thought. Boris simply watched with amusement. Turning to Lee, the male gave him a playful glare. 'You could't have waited until my brother got used to this, hu?' he signed as the old man laughed.

"Boris-chan, I am helping them get used to this" he said with a mischievous smirk. The short male shook his head as he sighed. "Of course you'd to this to them" Boris muttered softly as Lee snickered. 

"My, my~ Now you sound like an old man~" Lee teased as he watched Elliot punch a newly healed Natsu. Boris shrugged at that. 'I'm just saying that they're still new to being the top. They are used to organized missions that don't have accidents like this happening often' Lee smirked at him.

"Mah~ You where like them too, Boris-chan~" Lee said as Boris rolled his eyes. "Whatever, mister 3" Boris said softly as he elbowed Lee. "I still can't believe that I've been able to act so polite now~" Lee whined as Boris patted his back.

"Hey Boris" Lee whispered suddenly as the boy looked at him. "When do you think you're gonna retire?" he asked as Boris shrugged. 'Maybe one day, maybe one day' Boris thought.

He chuckled as Natsu and Elliot's fight escalated so much that Yoshio somehow joined them.

'Things are going to fast' he thought with a sweatdropped at that. 


Eril sighed for what felt like the hundreth time that day. He didn't know why, but he always wanted to hang out with Black, his classmate. The boy was willing, he could tell, but people kept getting in the way. 

"Erik!" he heard a boy yell. He turned around and saw a small boy running to him. The boy had blond hair and emerald green eyes. Erik smiled widely as the boy smiled at him. "Alfred!" a male yelled with a laugh.

Erik looked up and saw a man. The man had black hair and red eyes was walking beside a taller man with platinum blond hair and pale blue eyes. He smiled at them as Alfred, the boy, hugged the taller male. "Hey Kuro! Akuma!" Erik said with a smile as the two smiled back.

Looking to the boy hugging him, Erik ruffled his hair before giving him a big grin. "And hey to you too Al!" he said as Alfred smiled at him. "Erik! Erik! Look! Look!" Alfred said as he shoved a piece of paper in front of him.

The tall blond took at and blushed. On the paper was a drawing of him and a drawing of-"It's you and Mister one!" Alfred said. Mister one, was a male with black hair and deep blue eyes. Erik admitted to himself that the kid was very good at drawing, but he still had a question.

"How did you know what he looked like?" Erik asked. Alfred smiled at him in a I-know-something-you-don't way. "Let's just say that I have my ways~" the boy said as he gave the older blond a wink.

"So, are you gonna ask him out?" Kuro, the man with black hair, asked as Erik staggered back with a mighty blush on his face. "WHAT!?" he yelped as the male beside Kuro, Akuma, chuckled at him.

"You know Erik, it surprises me how you don't even realize that it's him" mumbled Kuro. Erik heard this as he gave him a confused face. "What do you mean?" he asked as Kuro simply waved him off. "It's nothing~" he stated.

'Besides, if I told you then I'd be killed' Kuro thought as he watched Alfred and Erik. Alfred had decided that he didn't like being ignored, so he threw a random paper at him. Erik retaliated by chasing after him.

'Kids, they grow up so fast' Kuro thought with a comical tear.


Hey everyone! Sorry if this was short, I have something to do and couldn't do it. On the bright side, I was able to somehow finish this! I won't publish After War High this week cause of reasons.

This is The First Author, signing off! 

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