A Little Mudblood

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Out of all my friends, I know I'm the weakest. You can hear it by the way I talk and how low my self-confidence is. But sometimes, I like to pretend I'm brave like Puppa Pan. But I still know who I really am.

My name is Tavros Nitram and I'm a brown blood. I've been told that I shouldn't care about my blood color but it still gets to me. Brown bloods are known as mudbloods and we're the lowest among the social order here. Nowadays, we trolls don't really look at our blood color for unknown reasons. There are 12 blood colors, red being rare and also known as a mutant blood; Brown which is the lowest and purple being the highest.

Now that I think about it, I'm talking more about troll society than myself. You see, I live far away from my friends, but we still manage to keep in contact no matter where we are. I guess you can say that out of all my friends, my best friend would be Gamzee Makara. He's a highblood which is at the top of the social order. It's kinda weird how he's so up high and I'm at the bottom yet we're the best of friends.

Anyways, he told me to come and visit him cause he has a surprise for me. Since its Gamzee, I don't really know what kind of things he thinks of. All I know is that we have fun every time we hang out. We usually throws some sick fires or play some card games. I usually beat him at games, but I think he let's me win even though I can't really be sure of it. Since I'm going to visit him, I think I'm going to bring him some Faygo, I'm pretty sure he already has enough as it is but he still likes it when I give him some.

((This is my first fanfic that I've written. I enjoy writing so I hope you guys like what I write. Hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters!))

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