The Arrival

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As I got to Gamzee's hive, things had already felt off. Tinkerbull had come with me this time, which was weird since he never came back to Gamzee's after an incident with Goatdad. He still won't say anything about it so I thought I shouldn't bring it up again.

As I walked up to the door, I found it already opened so I peeked my head in only to find that the hive was dark."gAMZEE?" I whispered, my voice a little shaky from fear of what was going on. I looked to Tinkerbull for help, but all he did was tilt his head and stare at me. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside and felt along the walls for the light switch. It wasn't long before my hands touched something wet and gooie. Gamzee always cleans up before I came over, thoughts ran through my head as to what I touched and what was going on. I turned around hoping to find some source of light. I called out one more time,"g-GAMZEE? wHERE ARE YOU?" my voice was full of fear.

A single light flickered in front of me. It seemed to come from the living room so I made my way through to see that the light was a single candle on a cake. I tried to read was on there but all I could make out was my name" Tavros". I looked up from the cake and looked around a bit confused. More candles seemed flicker on around the room. "g-GAMZEE? iS THAT YOU?" the lights stopped as I heard a reply.

"YeAh BrO, iT's Me." Something about his voice sounded off. It wasn't like his usual happy self."SoRrY aBoUt ThE lIgHtS, tHeY wEnT oUt AfTeR i CalLeD yOu." More candles were lit as he talked. With the room now lit, I was able to read what was on the cake. I had forgotten that today was my wriggling day and I couldn't help but smile at the fact that Gamzee remembered. As I said thank you, I looked up at him to see his make-up was smeared and he had this smile that he wasn't very amused right now."HaPpY wRiGgLiNg DaY tAvBrO."

"wAS THIS THE UH,gIFT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?" I was scared as to what happened to Gamzee but I decided to hide it.

"NaH bRo, ThAtS pUt AwAy. HaVe It PuT aWaY fOr SaFe KeEpInG." He gave a smile that shoved fear into me. I didn't know what to do so I just said ok as calmly as I could. "BlOw OuT yOuR cAnDlE aNd MaKe A wIsH."I looked at him and hesitated before blowing out the candle. He cut the cake and handed me a piece. I looked around the room to see that his walls were covered in soper pies and empty tins laying all over the floor.

"AiNt It NiCe?"I looked at him confused.

"wH-WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" My voice shook with fear as the candles continued to flicker.

"ThE mOtHeRfUckiNg PiE, i DiD mY bEsT tO mAkE iT."


"ArE yOu AlL rIGhT bRo? YoU dOnT sOuNd To GoOd."HE looks to the mess and smiles,"DoNt WoRrY aBoUt ThAt. I jUsT hAd A sMaLl FiGhT wItH gOaTdAd. He WoUlDn'T lEt Me MaKe YoUr CaKe."

"oH,oK." I sighed in relief knowing what had happened."wHERE'S TINKERBULL?" I looked around the room for him but found nothing.

"ThAt MoThErFuCkEr StAyEd OuTsIdE. dOn'T kNoW wHy He DiDn't CoMe In."

"yEAH,"my voice sounded worried as I spoke. I looked at my piece of cake then at Gamzee's. His piece was already gone and he was just looking at me.

"ArE yOu GoInG tO eAt?"

"oH,yEAH." As I took that first bite it tasted not good, but not horrible either. It seemed like Gamzee has been practicing his cooking ever since he made me sick from a lunch he made me a couple sweeps ago. "i LIKE IT" }: )

"ThAt'S gOoD."As he said those words my vision started to get blurry."I wAsN't SuRe If YoU wOuLd EaT sOpEr ThIs TiMe."

"s-SOPER?"I looked to my empty plate. Even after knowing what was in my cake, I still wanted more. It was far more addicting than I thought. As I ate more and more my mind became clouded and it felt like there wasn't a worry in the world.

"WoUlD yOu LoOk At ThAt, ThErE's No MoRe." I looked at him a bit disappointed. "ThE oThEr'S sHoUlD'vE cAmE wHeN i ToLd ThEm To."


"YeAh,I iNVitEd AlL oUr FrIeNdS oVeR. gUeSs ThEy CoUlDn'T mAke It."oH"I looked around to find that everything looked a bit disoriented. Once my vision cleared up, I looked to Gamzee and kissed him deeply without meaning to.

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