Part 2

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Sorry these things are sort of short! P.S. Vote right now if you are STANDING!


          I fell over, and my dad grabbed the cart, righting it as it almost toppled over. I caught one of my trunks as it slid off the top.

          "Watch where you're going!" a voice sneered. I looked up to where a boy with black hair was smirking at me. He had run into my cart with his own cart. Angrily, I stood up, and shoved my trunk back onto the cart.

          "You should watch it, jerk!" I said back. Who did he think he was?

          My dad grabbed my shoulder. "Let's calm down, Sam. I'm sure it was just a mistake."

          The black-haired boy grinned widely at me, showing all of his teeth. I'm sure he did it on purpose. "He doesn't have to act so aloof," I muttered, rather proud of my use of that word. Miranda had taught it to me last year.

          A man and woman that looked a little like the mean boy ran up to us. "I apologize... for my son," the woman gasped, a hand over her heart. Obviously, she didn't run much. "Sirius is not very well behaved."

          "No harm done," my father smiled at them, and offered his hand. "I'm Dave Thompson. Is this your son's first year too?"

          I tugged on Dad's sleeve. "Dad, we have to go or I'm going to be late!" I complained.

          My dad nodded to the other family. "We can talk on the other side of the barrier," he said with a friendly smile. Then, we took our positions, and I made a face at the mean boy - I guess his name was Sirius, what a stupid name - before my dad and I ran through the barrier.

          Once we emerged on the other side, I spotted the black and scarlet train that read 'Hogwarts Express.' I jumped up and down excitedly. "I can't believe it, this is actually happening!"

          My dad chuckled, and I looked at the clock, suddenly realizing the time. "Dad, I've got to go, bye!" I said, pulling him down to my level and pecking him on the cheek before running over to the train and boarding it. Once on it, I started walking down the corridor, peeking in the compartments. Most of them were already full.

          I found the compartment Miranda was in, but it was crowded other Ravenclaw sixth and seventh years. The next compartment only had two people, a sullen looking boy and a preppy girl. I passed by, looking into the next compartment.

          A bunch of kids in red and yellow were laughing in there. One of them, probably a second year, caught me looking and made a mean face, locking the door. Everyone in that compartment pointed at and started laughing again. I ducked out of view, nervous. I hope not everyone's mean here.

          Gathering my courage, I continued down the corridor, looking in each compartment as I passed. Most of them had older kids in them, and the ones that had kids in my year were all full. I reached the end of the corridor, and looked in the compartment on my right. Three boys were sitting in there. I guess that they were first years, because they weren't wearing any house colors.

          Someone rudely brushed past me, and I recognized him as the boy, Sirius, that had hit my cart. He entered the compartment that I had been looking at, and I turned away. Are there really no compartments open?

          "Um, excuse me," someone said, tapping me on my shoulder.


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