Part 5

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Sorry for the long delay. Vote right now if you've ever had BRACES!

          "So you wanna' be a Sly'rin?" Bertha asked Mark through a mouthful of food. He nodded, swallowing his food before responding.

          "I think that Slytherin is pretty cool. Besides, all of my family has been in Slytherin for three generations."

          "He just wants to stay close to his sister," Emma smirked, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear in a self-righteous sort of way. Mark scowled and muttered something incomprehensible.

          Bertha nodded solemnly. "I either want to be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff." Then, she turned to me. "Samantha - "


          "Okay, Sam then, what house do you want to be in?"

          I frowned. "I think I'm going to be in Ravenclaw. My brother and sister were, at least. But I guess I don't really care what house I get into. I just want to be with nice people."

          Emma squealed and pinched my cheeks. "You're so cute! I hope you're in my house, then I can see you more."

          I blushed and hurriedly ate more food as Bertha questioned Emma more about Hogwarts. Bertha was optimistic and very loud. For some reason, I liked her for that. I hope I'm in her house.

          Emma gasped dramatically when Bertha mentioned Quidditch, and repeatedly slapped Mark's arm in excitement. "I almost forgot to tell you guys! I - " she struck a pose " - am the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team! You may bask in my glory, peasants."

          "That's so cool!" Bertha cried, bouncing in her seat again.

          Mark looked like he was going to say something, but suddenly, our compartment door banged open. We all looked over to see two boys. One of them had messy black hair, glasses, and a glare. The other one was wearing a hood, but I was fairly sure it was Sirius. I felt a smug smile make its way onto my face. He's got no hair under that hood!

          The boy with glasses leveled his wand at Emma, and Bertha grabbed my hand. "Fix Sirius, you witch! Or you'll be sorry!"

          Emma looked down the boy's wand point with an amused smirk. Then, she casually pushed it away from her face. "Nice try kid, but you haven't even learned how to tie your shoes with that wand. Next time you try to intimidate someone, do it properly."

          The boy's face looked red with anger. "I'll teach you! Crucio!" he shouted, pointing his wand at Emma again. Bertha squeaked and squeezed my hand so hard, I almost lost feeling.

          Mark swiftly sat up from his slumped position, and pointed his own wand at the boy, wearing an easy smile. "I dare you to try to use the Unforgivable Curse on my sister again, you old git."

          They both smile when threatened or threatening. That's sort of scary.

          Emma yawned. "If you're going to use the Cruciatus curse, you have to mean it. See, that's why it didn't affect me." Emma quickly stood up, towering over the two boys as she rolled up her sleeves. "So how should I punish you for your insolence, pipsqueak?"

          "James!" a different boy left the compartment opposite of ours and joined the small gathering. "I told you, you have to ask her to fix Sirius, not threaten!"

          Emma folded her arms intimidatingly. I leaned out from my seat and stuck my tongue out at Sirius. He looked like he wanted to strangle me. "Oh, I like this kid. Much more respect," Emma commented.

          The new kid had light colored hair, and a rather slight build. There were some weird lines on his face. "Can you please fix Sirius's hair?" he asked Emma pleadingly. "I'm not sure what he did to offend you, but he's sorry for whatever it was - "

          "He shouldn't be apologizing to me," Emma said, stepping to the side. "He should apologize to her." She pointed at me.

          The new boy looked confused, but then elbowed Sirius. "Go on, apologize!"

          Sirius looked like he would rather bite off his tongue. "S... so... rry," he muttered.

          "What's that?" Emma asked, clearly enjoying this. My face was bright red. "I couldn't hear you."

          "S... sorry," Sirius mumbled a little louder.

          The boy with glasses now glared at Emma. "He said sorry, now fix him, you dirty Slytherin!"

          A broad smile grew on Emma's face as she sat back down. "I think I know what house you'll be in, ya little bugger. When Slytherin whoops Gryffindor at Quidditch, just remember the time you had to crawl to me - a dirty Slytherin - for help," Em taunted. With that, she waved her wand, apparently fixing Sirius' hair, and saluted, closing the door in their faces.

          Then, she turned to us. "Who wants some impromptu lessons on jinxes before school starts?"

As of right now, Part 4 has 69 views... *snort* I'm mature, I swear.


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