Chapter 1)

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" Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect. "

I remember it so vividly, so so so vividly it almost feels like yesterday. Almost. If it hadn't been for the constant reminder of being told I'll never be able to leave, or experience normal life, for myself, I would probably forget the years that have gone by.

When I think of my old life, the life where I spent near enough every day with my friends, the life where I could go outside and feel safe whilst walking down the street kicking cans, the life where I had family picnics every other weekend, it pains me. Not just because I'm now enduring a girls worst nightmare, but because I can't help but imagine how everyone else is now living their lives. Is it care free? Do they ever stop and think about me, about what happened to me? About what is constantly happening to me? Or do they not care?

After eight years, you'd think I would've been found by now, or they - they being my family -would've had some sort of closure, dead or alive. But fūck this world never grants your wishes.

I'd rather anything but live. I'm waiting for the moment where he goes too far, or gets bored of me. And I bring it on. God, that moment will be the moment I've been waiting for and I cannot wait. Those last few minutes, no seconds, will be when I really feel alive and ironically it'll be when I'm dying.

I've learnt to live with the fact I'll probably never be free and that's my way of coming to terms with it. But can you ever really come to terms with the fact you can never see your family again?

Because there was a time I was able to live.

There was a time I was normal.

And there was a time where I never knew the true meaning of 'stranger danger'.

However, that was before I was abducted.

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