Chapter 2)

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"I expect you remember the rules from last time?" That's it last time, it had been at least a good couple of months since I had been allowed to go out, at all. "Yes, look normal, look happy, look right" I repeat, "And what will happen if you raise suspicion?" Charles whispers in my ear, standing close enough to feel the warmth of his breath hover over my delicate skin.

"Punishment is given to bad girls, bad girls deserve punishment" his twisted words make me shiver. His punishments were to say the very least - horrifying.

It wasn't a new thing for me, it hadn't been for years now, but how could such a thing ever become a normality in ones life? It just couldn't. Especially if you didn't know the first thing about the man striking you with a belt across your backside, except his name.

My clothes had newly been washed, approximately a month or two ago. It wasn't as if I had a choice in the matter, but the clothes were extremely tight fitting. I mean you would expect so, seeing as they were meant for 10 year olds. I just needed to make do with what I had and if that meant keeping my weight at the very minimum, then so be it. It's not like Charles offered me much anyways, in the way of food.

A simple roll, sometimes buttered if I was lucky, was a good meal in my eyes. However, I wasn't anorexic, oh god no, Charles would never let me get to the point of skin and bones. That would only weaken me and leave me unable to help his... needs.

"Are you ready to go, sweetheart?" Getting into character wasn't hard for him, his sweet talk was consistent. It was me who had to put on the biggest show.

Plaster a smile,
Build a wall,
Nobody notices,
And nobody will.

My mantra was a constant reminder of what I needed to do. It was pretty simple: look nice; smile nice and talk nice and I'll be left alone for a few hours when we get back.

Honestly, I don't know why I try so hard to let Charles take me out so often because all it results in is pain, but all I want is a few hours outside! Just a few! Just so I can really appreciate the outside world.

That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Hurt, seeing everyone else around me taking advantage of their lives. Whilst teenagers are shouting at their parents for not being able to afford the latest technology I am boarded up in a room, quite literally, without so much as a ray of sunshine escaping into it.

Finally, today was my lucky day because today I would be visiting the local park with Charles.

Sounds odd, doesn't it?

A sixteen year old girl going to a children's park with an ageing man. But Charles refused to take me anywhere that wasn't scattered with children.

His sick mind is like that.

Although it was deeply disturbing, I didn't mind whatsoever. After all it did get me out of the house. Selfish or not, I will not ruin my chance of leaving - not for anyone.


Walking along the pavement I move left to right avoiding the small cracks. I was always a sucker for being suspicious like I knew never to walk under a ladder (not that I would ever have the chance), not to step on cracks in the path and not to open an umbrella inside.

This isn't as easy as it seems though because I soon find myself tripping over my feet and gravitating to the side nearest Charles. He chuckles trying to hold his composure, "honey, what're you doing?" His voice although soft and gently spoken, was anything but genuine. I could almost feel the venom dripping from his words.

I mutter an apology trying to act as normal as I could. How do normal people act? And how was I supposed to know, when I haven't interacted with them since year 5. A lot has changed since then, but I, however, have only changed identities.

After a 10 minute walk, with me trying to avoid contact with Charles at any cost, and him staying as calm as possible, we make it to the park where I immediately make a b-line for the swing set.

"Careful honey! I'll be right over here if you need me!" Charles shouted pointing at an empty bench on the side of a playing field. Bushes surrounded either side, so you could barely see anyone sitting on it unless you were directly in front of them.

To an outsider his intentions seemed harmless, all he was, was a harmless man bringing his perhaps mentally challenged 'daughter' to a park, but I knew the real reason. His sick minded intentions that made my skin cruel, but left me unable to do anything about it.

I remembered this park all to well, it had been the park I spent most days at with my friends or family in my childhood. Having the time of my life without a care in the world.

Oh, how I miss it.

Being sixteen really hadn't matured me, I mean I was mature in certain aspects - mostly physical - but my mind had stayed as a small naive girl I had been so many years ago.

I was never given the chance to develop into a young lady, or even be a teenager. Being forced into clothes to young for you and made to play with barbies at the ripe age of 14 did that to you. In a way, I was glad. Glad that I hadn't grown into someone with charisma and a sharp brain because then I'd have to open my eyes to the fact I'll never be free.

I knew from a young age that I had been taken, taken away from everything not just my family and friends, but my life, which is why my mind went into overload. It helped me to deal with it even if there was no way of doing so. It gave me a sense of security.

Sitting on the swing pondering through old memories only brought sadness to me. Those memories were meant to be cherished. I was meant to cherish them.

But I couldn't because Charles had tainted every single memory I had before he had taken me and replaced them with his own.

However, these weren't the memories I had ever wanted. No, no, no, no, no, these were far, far worse. Indescribably worse, unimaginably worse, but they begged to be noticed and his actions never failed his words.

He made sure there wasn't an ounce of good left in me and then left me, metaphorically, to die. 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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