"I Love You." {Dasha X Jeremy}

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I couldn't breath. My airway was constricted with panic. My hands were cuffed behind me and I was on my knees, chains around my ankles that were attached to the wall, a blindfold over my eyes. I desperately struggled against the cuffs, my wrists burning as the metal rubbed against the skin. Sweat plastered some of my hair to my forehead and ran down my face, thankfully loosening the blindfold from its grip and I shook my head so it slid down my face. The smell hit my nose instantly. My eyes widened as bile burned the back of my throat and threatened to spill. I couldn't scream. My friends, lined up like trophies, stood against the wall, Adam only a mere torso, head and neck, taxidermied, slumped in a chair leaned against the wall like a doll.  I immediately noticed that Emily wasn't present along the wall, and I let a small fire of hope flicker in my mind. Richard, Shawn, Jedrek, and Chavez all had bruises scattered about what skin their still bodies showed, indicating they hadn't gone down without a fight. I gave a small smile to their soldier like corpses before the bile was released. I let out a choked sob when I was finished, drool hanging from my lips and hot tears rolling down my cheeks. The four on the wall almost looked alive, if it wasn't for the deep stitching across their throats. Shawn's mechanic hat still sat atop his head, Richards hair still done in his limp ponytails, Chavez's glasses were cracked. It was... Neat. Planned. I gulped as tears continued to roll down my cheeks, my shoulders trembling. All five boys had eyes like dead fishes, half lidded, all staring at me. My breathing faltered. My ears numbed. I hadn't even realized that I was screaming until my vision was shaking, dotting my black illuminated blobs. A door creaked open somewhere, and something thudded against the floor, but my screech hadn't faltered. I squeezed my eyes shut. A hand was clamped roughly over my mouth, squeezing my jaw. "So, you've come too." I almost started screaming again. My voice had grown hoarse, my second attempted scream only a muffled whimper. The hand slid away, and I slowly opened my eyes. I started to scream again, my lungs tightening in protest, but the hand was back over my mouth, muffling my cry. My eyes were wide and my cheeks glistened with hot tears as I stared back into the grey eyes of the one I loved, Jeremy Sein. "Hi, lovely~" He cooed to me, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Wh.. W.." My voice was barely a whisper. I was trembling. I let out a choked sob and tried to worm away from him, only for Jeremy to sink his bitten nails into my shoulders and keep me still. His pupils were so dilated it looked like he wasn't human. He cocked his head. "Do you not like what we made?" He said, his voice dainty. I froze. We. My eyes darted around the room, perfectly seeing the blood spatters and hearing the clink of the scalpel against the metal pan of bloodied utensils. My mind went numb, pins and needles sinking into my thighs and legs as their pained screams filtered through, piercing my ear drums as loud ringing reverberated through the walls of my mind. "Dasha.." Jeremy shook my shoulders. I looked at him. My vision blurred with tears, my whole body trembling. His eyes were inkwells, black streams of liquid pouring out of his mouth. I couldn't stop screaming.


"DASHA!!" Someone was shaking my shoulders furiously as my eyes snapped open. My eyes widened as I saw it was Jeremy, his eyes wide with fear, tears welled in his eyes and falling down his cheeks. I was in my bedroom, moonlight shining through my window shades. "God, you started screaming and you wouldn't stop! Are you okay??" His voice was shaky and laced with worry, and a tear slipped down my face. "I-..I'm fine, Jere, I-it was just a really.. Really bad dream.." My voice had cracked. He embraced me tightly. "Let's just get back to bed, o-okay..?" I said quietly as I wrapped my arms back around him, closing my eyes. He leaned back, letting go of me. I couldn't process what was happening before I felt it. Blood seeped out of my lips as I stared back into the eyes of my lover. I saw nothing but innocent looking ink-wells that were staring back at me, his head cocked the to the side. Black illuminated blobs slowly started dotting my vision. I knew I wasn't bound, but I knew I couldn't ever escape him. He leaned forward again, yanking out the knife, slipping his arm around my back and holding me up as I almost fell back onto the headboard. "I love you~" He cooed into my ear as his hand came over my nose and mouth. I didn't struggle this time.
841 words

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