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Wheatley had just brought the mail in and I was sifting through it for the important stuff.

A small envelope caught my eye and I picked it up. My eyes scanned the outside but it was blank. No stamp or address. I suppose it hadn't gone through the post office.

Intrigued, I opened it up.

Inside I found a note. My eyes scanned it quickly, widening in surprise at the words they took in.

Dear Chell and Company,
Some new information has come up that you may or may not be interested in. Regardless, please return to Aperture as soon as possible. Your visit will be short and you will be allowed to return to your dwelling afterwards. Knowing you, I assume you will be suspicious of this. I can't do anything aside from assure you I have no malicious intent and hope that the short time I'd stayed with you had built some form of trust in your simple human mind. I think this information will interest at the very least your companion, if not you as well, but if you choose not to believe me than so be it. I don't really care either way.


I sat there stunned for a little while. Return to Aperture? Why would I ever do that? And why couldn't she have just told me what this was about instead of being so vague?

She must've known that would make me even more suspicious than if she'd just explained the situation.

But.. she'd changed, hadn't she? It sure had seemed like it..

I passed Wheatley the note and let him read it, still debating it in my head.

"I don't trust it for a second." He said, dropping the note to the table.

I nodded, frowning in thought.

"Yeah.. I guess.. we shouldn't.." I brushed a strand of brown hair out of my face then shrugged. It was too shady to be true.


The following days were odd. I'd sort of forgotten about the note aside from my mind occasionally coming back to the idea of returning to aperture, only for me to push it away immediately.

And then Wheatley looked up from the sofa while I was cooking dinner.

"I know we said we weren't going to trust it, but.. what if it's something really important? I mean.. she did say I would be interested in it.." He suggested casually.

"She's also an insane AI who's tried to kill us on several occasions..." I protested halfheartedly. Part of me kind of wanted to agree with him. I was curious.

"Yeah, but.. so was I." He shrugged, his head tilted curiously. He seemed like he wasn't sure he wanted to talk himself into this but at the same time he did. Kind of where I was, as well.

"But you're.." how did I say, 'not smart enough to pull something like this' in a nice way? "Not an emotionless monster like Her anymore. You're not in her body." I finished instead. That was true too..

He looked down at his hands thoughtfully.

"Also you're cuter than her. So there's that as well." I added, smirking at him from across the room.

His orb looked away from me then, and I think that if he had blood and a face he'd be blushing.


It had been almost a week since we'd gotten that letter.

I was cleaning things off the living room table when I found it beneath a stack of papers that'd gotten piled on top of it after I forgot it was there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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