The Fight

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"I won't die..... I won't....." the warrior rasped, her vision blurring and making the young human standing in front of her seem like a purple mass of fuzz in her single eye. Undyne rose her spear, blinking away her own melting body from her eye to see her foe more clearly. There, they stood, with a strange look on their face, as though they were trying to hold back some sort of strong emotion. "Get back here.." Undyne growled, struggling to speak as she felt her insides turn to mush. " I can... take your soul.." She hurled her energy spear at the human, and they dodged it with a whimper. The spear crashed on the ground behind them, shattering like glass.

"C..ome back..!" she yelled as she watched the human run away, disappearing into the tunnel to Hotland. "D..amnit.." Undyne looked down. It seemed her legs were already unrecognizable in the puddle that was now her body. "This is it, huh.. I... didn't think I'd... go this way.." Undyne muttered, watching her arms drip with goop, her body slowly sinking into itself.

It felt so strange. Undyne couldn't tell if her whole body was going through incredible pain or if it was numb, but it sure did feel like hell. Tears formed in her melting, black and white eye as she began to truly realize this was her end. The Underground would go without its hero, Papyrus would go without his friend and mentor, Asgore.. would go without one of his best friends, and Alphys...

'No.. How can I leave?' Undyne's legs were nothing but a puddle now, and Undyne tried her best to reform herself, to keep her body together. However, no progress was made on bringing the warrior back to her normal shape. 'I'm not leaving now.. I need that human's soul. Alphys will help me get it!'

Undyne's vision blurred yet again. She squinted her melting eye, looking around for one of those cameras Alphys owned throughout the Underground. She had known where at least half of the cameras were placed. Alphys said she'd watch her fight the human, after all. Maybe she saw what had happened. 'Maybe she can help me!'

She attempted to reform her legs again, but it didn't work. 'Alright.. I'll have to do this the hard way.' Filled with the Determination that had kept her alive at zero HP, Undyne placed a hand forward, grasping the ground and feeling thankful that her body was sticky and goopy enough to keep hold. Hand after hand, she began to drag herself to the tunnel to Hotland, her deformed body dragging across the ground in an agonizing manner.

Undyne felt heavy with exhaustion. She couldn't tell if it was from her clash with the human, or her current condition taking over. Maybe both? She continued on, praying that Alphys could help her get better so she could continue her chase against the human. She turned the corner. This was the way to Hotland, and the digital red letters from the sign glided across the wall to Undyne's left. She could see the blurred orange light of magma ahead. 'I have to make it.' Undyne told herself inside.

The melting monster tried to pull herself forward, but shadows began to overwhelm the light she was heading to. She was losing consciousness. Was this death, finally gripping its dreadful claws around the Underground's heroine? 'Please no! Alphys! I need to see her!' Undyne tried to call out her crush's name. "A..." It was too hard to speak. Her throat had melted on itself. She couldn't even breath, and she felt her teeth had melted together like stone pillars. Her body was losing color as well. 'No! I will never die!' Undyne convinced herself, before giving up to let darkness swallow her world.

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