Please Be Okay...

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"Yes, th-that one! That's r-right! Good!" Alphys cheered as she watched her monitor with her phone beside her head. She watched as the human followed her pattern through the puzzle in one of the rooms, feeling helpful as they thanked her for the help. "No problem..!"

The lizard monster felt her cheeks warm with a blush. It felt as though she were up there with the human, tagging along on their adventure to the castle, and technically she was! 'What would it be like to go on one of Undyne's adventures?.. No.. I do that already. At the garbage dump!'

A new thought struck her as she thought of the fish monster. She remembered Undyne had said she'd text her when she was done fighting the human.. The fight with the human was long over, but Undyne never spoke.

'Could the human have..' Alphys felt her short limbs tremble with pure worry and fear. She didn't feel good about helping this human now. Did they hurt Undyne? "I'm sorry. I need to go..!" Alphys muttered into the phone before hanging up.

Alphys walked to her monitor's control panel, beginning to flash through the Waterfall cameras, searching for a trace of Undyne, but nothing was found, not even a dust pile, to Alphys's relief.

Alphys sat down beside the monitor, curling her tail around her as she took out her phone and began texting Undyne. She waited for about three minutes.

No answer.

Alphys then called that same contact, nervously chewing on her claws for a second. "Please answer, Undyne. Please be okay..."

Another Has Fallen (Alphyne Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now