Act One The First Funeral

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     It was a sad day. Everyone was there for the funeral. The funeral of Sir Tyler Wayne Grubb. Riley was there. Josh was there. Alex and Jamey were there to perform music on their saxophones. Ken was there. PJ was there with a speech prepared. George was there with his small girlfriend Kelly. All there to mourn the death of a friend. Except for Noah, because he is a scrub and decided to ditch.

"It's late." Ken said.
"What is?" PJ asked.
"The pizza... from DiGiorno. They're catering for the funeral." Ken explained.
"Oooooh, I see." PJ replied.
"The hearse is late too."
"Oh, y-you think we have an actual hearse?" PJ said, perspiring. "Um we couldn't exactly afford one..."
"Don't worry, don't worry, I've got everything under control." PJ said, trying to calm her good and completely 100% loyal friend down.

     Meanwhile, Alex and Jamey began to warm up their instruments so that they were prepared to perform.  They wanted to make sure the songs they had chosen were to played with absolute perfection.

"You ready for this?" Alex asked Jamey.
Jamey dramatically turned to him. Holding back tears, she says, "Yes Alex... Ready as I'll ever be..."

     A small honking could be heard in the distance, followed by the revving and choking of an old car engine.

"What the hell is that...?" Ken asked PJ.
"It's here." PJ whispered, smiling. She seemed to almost be crying tears of joy.

     A tiny blue car pulled into the cemetery pulling a large trailer behind it

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     A tiny blue car pulled into the cemetery pulling a large trailer behind it. In that trailer was the eight foot long coffin that contained the body of Sir Tyler Wayne Grubb. The coffin was a custom design. It's eight feet long so that he had some leg room of course, and the words "White is right, white is good" were engraved across the front, for Tyler a was secretly a racist. It was perfect.

     As the car pulled in, Jamey and Alex began playing "John Cena" on their saxophones as loud as the possibly could

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     As the car pulled in, Jamey and Alex began playing "John Cena" on their saxophones as loud as the possibly could. It was ear piercing and out of tune. Perfect. The car continued to slowly roll to a stop until the wheels gave out, leaving it sitting flat on the ground.

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