Chapter 11

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-Justins POV-

"Yes Jason i understand." I said into my phone with my left arm crossed against my chest as i paced my room.

"A deal's a deal, Bieber." He said.

"I understand that." I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath.

"If you cant do this one thing, i can have someone else in my gang to do it. Youre not that hard to replace." I gulped.

"No no its okay. Ill....ill do it. Dont worry." Silence took over for a few minutes.

"You have 36 hours to do so. If you dont, know what will happen." He said and i could almost vision him smirking right now. I gulped.

"I understand Jason."

"Good." He hung up and left me listening to the dead line.


*2 days later in England*

-Kelsey's POV-

"Kelsey your mail is here!" Niall called from the kitchen in the hotel room. He insisted we share a room so he could keep an eye on me during the night. I shot up from the bed and ran into the kitchen.

"Here you go." He laughed, handing it to me. I snatched it and opened it up to read it as i walked back to my room.


Do you really believe Niall can protect you? Bitch, he's weak as hell!

So are the others and so are you. You couldnt protect yourself even if you

tried. The only thing youre good for is sex. No one can protect you from me.

No one. Just face the facts babygirl. Im coming for you. You cant hide from

me forever. Ha, you think youre so smart and you guys have it all figure out.

Well you dont. Watch your back bitch. ;)

Hugs and kisses,


I crumpled up the letter and furiously wiped my eyes. I began to pace my room, thinking of what to do. 'He's right. I am weak. And Niall and them cant.protect me forever especially now that we're in England. I jumped fro mmy thoughts when my phone vibrated.


Uknown: you want to protect yourself? I can help you with that. Just follow

this address tomorrow for your first lesson

I put down my phone and thought about it for a moment. 'Thats perfect. I can take self denfense classes to protect myself.' I went back to the livingroom and found that all 5 guys were sitting there. 'Perfect.'

"I want to take self defense classes." I blurted out. Niall walked to me.

"Kelsey...are you sure about this?" His eyes were almost begging me to change my mind but i wasnt going to.

"Yes i want to do this. I want to be able to protect myself while you guys are out doing concerts or doing interviews. I cant rely on your protection forever." They all shared glances.

"Guys. Please let me do this. I need this." They just sat there sinking in everything i just said. Then Niall spoke up.

"Okay. We'll choose a place that we can all agree on that is safe and everyday you go, two of us will come with to drop you off and pick you up." I bit my bottom lip.

"I kinda already have a place in mind."

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