Baby Boy » 1

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6 years later

"Hey, Taehyung." One of his friends greeted. "Hi, Tae." A girl said as she bit her lip. Taehyung looked her up and down and smirked. He went straight to his best friend. "Hey, Minho." Minho looked over with a sad expression. "What happened? Taemin again?" He nodded and I put one of my arms around his shoulder. "He's so confusing. One day he shows interest then next thing you know... he doesn't even acknowledge your existence." He sighed and looked at our room door.

"Can you listen to me rant?" Taehyung shook his head. "Sorry. I have a class to go to. Maybe later if I'm not piled up with too much homework." They waved bye to each other as Taehyung walked to his class.

  » » » 

"Come on. Why in such a bad mood? We're in the same college now." Jungkook smiled at Jin. "I know but, I miss Taehyung." Jin scoffed.  "Jungkook, this is college. I doubt you'll ever see him again." Jungkook shrugged and walked away from him. "Where are you going?" Jin asked worriedly. "To class. Oh... and Taehyung's father owns this school, that's why he is so rich."  Jungkook walked away from Jin who had a dumbfounded expression. "Sometimes he's just so stupid."

Jungkook walked into the classroom and sat in a random seat. He scrolled through his Instagram feed as the others started to take their seats. He looked up when he felt someone staring at him. It was Taehyung. He looked away quickly but Taehyung still kept his eyes on Jungkook until the professor walked in.

"Good morning class. I"m going to be a nice professor if you behave and if you don't I'll..." While everyone one else gaped at how violent the professor is, Jungkook freaked out because out of all classes Taehyung had to take geology. When Taehyung finally looked away and focused on class, Jungkook felt a huge weight come off his shoulders that he didn't know was there.

  » » » 

"Now the class is dismissed, I hope you took notes well." Taehyung was one of the first people to walk out the classroom and Jungkook waited until he was the last person in the classroom before he left so that Taehyung could be as far away as possible.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom he was pulled and forced onto the wall. "You just can't stay away from me huh?" Jungkook trembled under Taehyung's gaze. It was so dominant and sexy. Jungkook shifted and avoided Taehyung's stare.

"You've grown so well, baby boy."



Um... Yeah


PS: I'm not good with author notes

Baby Boy » Alphabet Boy Series » Book 2 » + j.jk | hiatusحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن