Second part put into action

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Reader's POV

You turned to see Nathan who was now looking at you in bewilderment as you stood next to Kyle, who was still holding onto you. You kept your hands on his chest as you stared at Nathan.

"Hey Nathan," you say with a smile as he walks closer to you guys as his eyes flickered up to Kyle's

"Kyle" Nathan spoke with firm tone as Kyle did the same.

"Nathan," Kyle smiles and wraps his arms very tightly around your waist, pulling you towards his body.

'Why is he being very protective all the sudden, and how do they know each other?' you thought as looked at both of them.

        "Hey, (Y/N) I don't think you should be hanging around this bastard. He's not good news." Nathan says as you looked at Kyle who was now narrowing his eyes at him.

"(Y/N) Don't listen to him, he's just trying to take you away from me, like your dog Psyche," Kyle whispered harshly in your ear as you gasped and looked at Nathan who looked at you with empathy.

"Come on let's go w-" Nathan was then interrupted by you as you hissed at him

"Where is Psyche?" you narrowed your eyes at him as he steps back.

"What do you mean, (Y/n)? I don't know where he is," Nathan says as you scoffed at him. While Kyle just watched in amusement, seeing how bad Nathan's being yelled at him."I don't know what your talking about," he gulps as a siren goes off to only show two cops getting out of their car as they walked over to see the little scene that was going on. They finally got to the scene as Kyle pulled you back as the cops asked what was going on. "He took my dog, I know it!" you cried out as you pointed at Nathan who was soon pushed into the fence that was next to you as it started to rattle. "Why do you think it was him miss?" the cop asked as you thought for a moment before sighing and soon let your head hang down and gave up as you turned your body and walked a few feet away from everyone "Just let him go," you said as the officers just nodded and let him go as they told him he had a warning and let him leave as he looked at you with a harden expression as he walked off not saying anything scared he might start something.

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