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     Once upon a time in a once far away land a young, but greedy princess lived in a big palace. Although she had everything her heart desired , from the fanciest of china, to the best of suits (She wasn't one for gowns). She was rude and despicable. With the ones invited to her parties only being the best and most beautiful men and women.

The Tessa's POV 

"Let the party, commence!" With that, it began. I watched as many of my subjects danced in might I say gorgeous(repulsive, compared to mine) attire. I had the best singer and musicians for music, and the servants served anyone who wasn't dancing, including myself. Ahh......this was going better than I expected.....

     " Excuse me, your highness." I looked to my left to see a fine looking gentleman. I gave him a confused, but aggravated look. " Yes, what is it?" Ugh Tessa, you obviously don't care! " Would you care for a dance?" He asked me, already putting out his hand as if he already knew I would take it. He should already know what my answer is!  I held back my urge to roll my eyes. "I'm sorry sir, but-" 

     Before I could finish, every candle blew out, causing the ballroom to grow dark, with someone standing near the outside entrance of the room. What...

     Narrative POV
          The intruder walked up to me, with the man scurrying back into the crowd. It was am old woman from the looks of it. She staggered up to me with her cane.

     The woman offered the princess a single red rose, for shelter from the ragging storm outside the castle. Repulsed by her withered appearance, the princess sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away, her subject laughing along with the princesss' actions.

     The woman warned not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty was found within. And when she dismissed her once more, the old woman's ugglyness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The princess tried to apologive, but it was too late, for the enchantress could see that there was no love in the greedy princesss' heart.

     As punishment she turned the princess into a hideous beast, and placed an enchantment on the castle and anyone who lived there.

     Ashamed with her monsterous form, the beast concealed herself  within the palace walls with only a magical mirror as her only window to the outside world.

     The rise the princess was offered was truly an enchanted rose which would stay in bloom until her 21st year.

     If she could learn to love another, and earn she or he's love in return by the time the last petal falls, then the spell would be broken. If not, she would be doomed to remain a hideous beast forever.


     As the years progressed, the beast fell into despair, losing all hope.

For who could ever learn to love....

                            A Beast....

Hi guys! Majestic_Tattertot did this chapter, leaving me to do the next one! So I'll see you guys soon with the next one!
P.S while I was writing this out onto here I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack lol! :3 :P <3


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