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"hi... jaeyoon."

jaeyoon stopped in his tracks as he entered his room.

he had somehow almost forgotten about the 'monster' under his bed.

the 'monster' with the cute voice that he just heard say his name.

"jaeyoon?" it said yet again, seeming a bit distressed.

"yes, that's me." jaeyoon answered, "how did you know?"

"i hear your parents say it a lot." it replied, fiddling with his fingers in the dark.

"oh." jaeyoon said, "do you have a name?"

"yes.." it answered, but quieter.

jaeyoon sat down right next to his bed, so it'd be easier to talk to the 'monster'.

"can you tell me?" jaeyoon asked, "i won't tell anyone, if you don't want me to!"

"it's.. inseong." it replied, making jaeyoon's heart flutter oddly.

it was kind of satisfying to hear inseong say his own name to jaeyoon.

"cool." jaeyoon simply said, "well, inseong, i have to go now. i'll be back later!"

jaeyoon said that and left inseong, flustered as to why jaeyoon had to leave so soon.

a little bit disappointed​, but still perfectly fine, inseong fell asleep underneath jaeyoon's bed.


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