Broken Heart

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She knew she wasn't perfect.
Hell, she's been called a mistake
All her damn life.
But she never realized how..broken and  imperfect she was.

The one thing that was suppose to
Help her live, was the one thing
Telling her to stop.

All she could think as she laid on the
Hospital bed was how he would react.

Would he even care?
Does he want me?
He probably doesn't know I exist.

Little did she know, he was waiting for her in the corridor.

12 hours have passed, shouldn't she be out? What if she didn't make it?.....

The thoughts were jumbled in his head as he waited.

"Excuse me, sir?" The doctor walked out with a look of pure sorrow, as they have grown close to their patient.

"I'm sorry for your lose.." Was all he heard before he fell to his knees as tears began to flow.

He lost his girl. His. The beautiful girl with the brightest smile and curls that always seemed as wild as her spirit.

The girl with the broken heart.

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