We thrived on the laughter at 2 AM, laughing at everything and anything. We thrived on sneaking candy and hidden giggles. On pulling pranks and tag. Then we thrived on the thoughts of romance, something from a Nicholas Sparks book, the first dates and crushes. We thrived in gossip and dreaming of our futures. We were just kids, how did this happen?

We went from thriving to barley even living, We're only kids yet we've already lost so much, we've experienced so much fucking fear and we're only sophomores. How did is turn out like this? What happened to us? We're just kids, it's not possible.

We used to be afraid of the monsters in our closets, hiding under the blanket from the shadows in the night. Now, our monsters are human, our monsters are every much alive and breathing. They're the people we loved most. We're supposed to be stupid teenagers, we shouldn't have to deal with this.

We were just kids.


Okay honestly, I got the idea for this from Riverdale lmfao

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