Chapter One

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"Rose Marie, get your lazy ass up and get ready," Jackie shouted. Rose complained putting on black skinny jeans, and a black sweater. In the designated meeting area, Rose was being introduced to a man, he was young, maybe in his early twenties. Beside her stood Namseyol, Joi, and David. Namseyol was 12 and probably Rose's only close friend. Joi was kind of a know it all, if you'd like. She was 14, had the vocabulary of a 13 year old and talked like an adult. David was the quiet one, he never could get along with anyone except the very few friends that sat near him at his table during lunch.

"This is Joi, She's 14 and very well behaved," Jackie introduced, letting Joi say a few things about herself. Rose never liked being in an orphanage. You always had to go through meeting random families and suffer not getting picked to go to a new home. She always was brought out even though,Its not like Rose will be adopted. Over the first six years of her life she had been in foster care, and the rest of her life she's been in the orphanage. No one really enjoyed her presence, or so she thought.

"This is Rose, she's well mannered, she's been here ever since she was born and she's quite a musically inclined kid," She explained, letting her introduce myself.

"Hello, My name is Rose, I'm 16 and I play guitar, sing and sometimes piano," Rose greeted. Rose is so, very socially awkward.

"Hi Rose, My name is Hoseok," the man introducedhimself. Rose shyly smiled. This man was practically radiating sunshine, she'd never seen a man so perfect before? He met David and then went into Jackie's office to disguss who he'd like or if he wanted to see more kids. Over the 16 years of being in the orphanage, Rose finally understood how the whole thing went. Jackie exited the room, seeming as if she was happily crying. Rose tilted her head slightly. Was Joi getting adopted? 

Suddenly instead of talking to Joi, she turned to Rose. Rose's eyes grew as large as Juipiter. She was getting adopted..? 

"Rose, I'm very happy and sad to say, this is they day you're getting adopted," Jackie said, hugging Rose closely. Rose smiled hugely, she couldn't cry, mostly because she'd cried herself to sleep the night before.

Rose walked back to her room with a giant grin plastered on her face. She walked into her room and packed essential things she'd gotten over the years. She grabbed her guitar and gently put it in its case before zipping it and throwing the strap over her head and acrossed her back.  She smiled at her old room and gently closed the door. She was hopefully going to have her own home. 

"I guess I'm ready?" Rose said in more of a question than a statement. Hoseok smiled and led Rose out to his car. It was a nice car to say the least. Hoseok offered to put her bags in the back and Rose nodded shyly.

"I don't want you to freak out but I'm not the only one you'll be living with," Hoseok said, breaking the silence. Rose nodded.

"Jackie told me you lived with six other guys, don't worry," she smiled,"As long as they don't wake me up when I'm asleep, we'll be cool." Hoseok smiled and continued driving, he knew who she'd get along with. They approached what looked like a super fancy appartment complex. A security guard looked at Hoseok. Hoseok held out what looked like an ID badge. The security guard nodded and opened the gates to the fancy appartments


With her guitar on her back and her bag in her hand, Rose walked to the door with Hoseok, who asked if she would call him Hobi. They walked into the door to be greeted to three boys playing Mario cart and two in the kitchen cleaning and cooking. Rose shyly looked at her feet and fiddled with the bottom of her sweater.

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