Chapter 10

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Rose had woken up at exactly 5:15 am. She knew that none of the boys were awake, because of the late practice they had the night before. She grabbed her phone off the wooden bedside table and made her way down the stairs.

Rose was a simple girl. She liked her coffee black, and most everything plain. She barely drank tea, when she did she only drank it when she was being told to by her mother. Rose had the random craving of it. She stumbled slightly into the kitchen, standing on her tiptoes to see if they had any tea.

Disapointingly, they did not. Rose decided she was going to walk to the nearest store and buy some tea. She slipped on her black combat boots and grabbed her key to the dorm. She quickly and quietly closed the door and walked swiftly down the sidewalk. Luckily, they lived in town so the nearest store wasn't far. She found a convienient store and made her way to the coffee and tea section. She found a box of black chai tea and checked out with the very tired cashier.

The cashier seemed to be half asleep, but also half awake, he handed her back her change and her bag with her tea. He smiled softly, wishing her to have a good day. Rose smiled back, murmuring a 'you too.' She made her way back to the dorms, slipping in the door quietly and removing her shoes.

Walking into the slightly lightened kitchen, Rose set a kettle on the stove and began boiling water for her tea. Meanwhile, she scrolled through her recent notifications for any important texts, calls, or if any youtubers had uploaded any new content. An artist of her favorite genre of music has posted a new song, exciting Rose.

She rushed to the speakers closest to her and hurriedly plugged her phone in. Selecting the song, Rose made her way back into the kitchen, hearing the song play away in the air. She danced along foolishly, she never really could free style well but she tried.

All while this was happening, Yoongi sat at the small counter that sat in the far side of the kitchen. Yoongi admired her flawless ness in her freestyle dance, she never failed to make him laugh. Yoongi didn't know that Rose knew he was there, was confusion because he was never up before any of the other boys.

The one problem Rose has was her shortness and Yoongi was quite taller than her.

"Yoongi, would you mind grabbing a mug for me and one for you if you want some?"

This startled him, he didn't realize that while Rose danced, she could see him out of her peripherals. He smiled softly, knowing she wouldn't grab a chair because of her fear of heights. Yoongi stood in front of the quite tall counter and retrieved two coffee cups. One for Rose, funny enough it had a Rose on the front of it. The second one for himself, he had grabbed a kumamon mug for himself.

Rose poured the black chai tea into each of their mugs and added ingredients she liked in her tea into hers. Yoongi had never drank much tea so he didnt really have any preference. Though he took his coffee plain,latter he found that he did not like his tea such as plain as he likes his coffee. Rose, basically one ball of laughter, added the same ingredients to his tea as to hers. Yoongi found that tasting, much better. 

"I told you! I said it was gonna taste gross but you had to,"Oh I'm a plain coffee drinker, it'll be fine.", and look at you now!" Rose couldn't physically stop laughing. She sat her drink down, clutching her stomach. Yoongi took his chance. He sat his mug down and launched at her, pinning her to the couch they sat upon. He began tickling her, making Rose laughing continuously. 

Yoongi's gaze caught Rose's and then-

"Hey Rose, your alarm went.... o-ooh," Jimin came down the stairs. The two, wide-eyed, sat in silence. 

"I'll leave you guys to that," Jimin winked.

Yoongi and Rose looked back at each other, still with the daze in their eyes. Yoongi leaned in closer to her, almost as an instinct the pair's eyes fluttered closed. 

"Hey Rose, our day is toda-" Namjoon made his way down the stairs, seeing the two,"Nevermind, we can reschedule."

Yoongi had given Namjoon a death glare. They all knew that Yoongi had a crush on Rose. He turned back to Rose with soft eyes, leaning in. Third times the charm right? Nope.

"Hey Rosiepooh? Can you get m-" Jungkook lazily walked into the living room, to see the two. He turned around and sped out of the living room to Taehyung's room. // ;) \\ 

"I swear to god," Yoongi muttered, apologizing to Rose for the interruptions. Rose was basically in a trance. She was good usually at hiding her feelings, and had successfully hidden her crush on Yoongi for a while. 

Yoongi had leaned in once again, hoping the members would have gotten the message to stay in their rooms. Fourth times the charm, right? Wrong, again.

"Hey Yoongi Hyung did you fini-" Hoseok entered, how many people can interrupt them? Hoseok got the message quickly, turning on his heel and basically sprinting back to Jimins room. // wink wonk \\

Yoongi was getting impatient, as was Rose. Rose yanked on Yoongi's collar, pulling him down to kiss her. The two locked lips and to both Yoongi and Rose, it was like fireworks went off and disturbed the butterflies in their stomachs. Yoongi smiled into the kiss, causing Rose to smile as well. Pulling away, Rose's face could have been compared to a tomato, or Jimin's hair. 

Yoongi flipped themselves so Rose would be on top of him. The two proceeded to sleep, themselves now as cold as their tea. Jin, the saint he was/is, brought the two a blanket and struggled not to awe at the scene. Rose had her head tucked into the crook of his neck, with Yoongi's cheek resting against hers, his arms around her waist. Jin laid the blanket over the two, making sure it wasn't two uncomfortable. 

Authors note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I apologize so so so so so so so so so so so so so much for being absent for long, I never really had inspiration until now and I wrote and I'm probably gonna try to write Chapter 11 so maybe a double update? Im not promising anything though. I love you all so much and your comments have made me so happy and giddy and make my day. You have no idea how much I love you all! Especially my wife Cait. She supports me so much and has helped me write this chapter and Ily. Thanks so much, Chapter 11 coming soon. );)


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