Chapter 9

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Rose had awoken by herself, surpising herself and everyone else reading. (Fourth wall broken) She had walked downstairs, making ice tea for herself. She ended up listening to acoustic guitar music for about two hours in her room, with her eyes closed and her door shut. A soft knock at the door made Rose open her eyes and distrupt the quietness.
"Rosie?" the literal sunshine quietly said as he opened the door slowly.

"Hobi-ah, don't worry, I'm awake," Rose confirmed, smiling softly at the youngers care.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. Rose nodded, holding herself back from saying that he was already talking to her. He reached for her pillow, hugging it to himself. Hoseok sighed, his lips pouting out a bit as if he was thinking about something. Rose tilted her head slightly. He never really was quiet, which made her really confused, because normally he was very loud and happy. Not to say anything about him being upset, he just had that weird mood to him.

"I need advice," He started, setting the pillow down and laying down flat on her bed.

"What kind of advice?" Rose questioned, she had a feeling of what kind of advice he needed but she decided to let him tell her.

"Relationship advice, maybe?" He sighed, laying his head on Rose's lap, silently telling her to mess with his hair.

"What about? I'm not much help because I've never been in a relationship before,"Rose shyly mumbled, twisting tiny pieces of Hoseok's hair. He grabbed her comforter, which had been shoved to the side from the heat in Rose's bed, hugging it. Rose patted his head.

"I really like this girl-"

"A GIRL?" Rose yelled in excitement. She smiled guiltily as Hoseok covered her mouth. shushing her.

"What's her name?"


"That's a really pretty name!" Rose exclaimed, getting slowly more excited about the fact that Hoseok had a crush. He smiled softly. He wiggled slightly, Adjusting his head position on her lap, grabbing one of her hands and softly playing with her fingers. She smiled, grabbing her phone and checking her text messages from anyone.

1 message from (Yoongi): Hey, I feel like we didn't hang out, or maybe it's just my memory, anyway can we hang out sometime?

To Yoongi:
Of course! I have plans with Hoseok today and I have plans with Namjoon tomorrow. Other than those, I'm free!

From Yoongi:
Alright, would Thursday work?

To Yoongi:


From Yoongi:

Okay, Thursday it is!


Suddenly Rose's phone was taken from her hands ad sat on her bedside table.

"Rosiee!," Hoseok pouted. He sat cross legged on her bed, facing her. He had his bottom lip jutted out and his puppy eyes staring at her. Rose giggled at the Hoseoks aegyo.

"Hoseokie, your aegyo doesn't affect me," Rose giggled, pushing his face away.

"Lies!" Hoseok yelled, pulling his upright most adorable poses and faces he could without pulling a muscle. Rose raised her eyebrow, he was now affecting her at all. She slyly grabbed her phone and began recording him. She could totally use this as black mail if he ever messed with her. She quickly finished recording him and out her phone back on her bedside table so he wouldn't know a thing.

"What should I do? She's in my English class," Hoseok complained, setting his chin on the palms of his hands.

"Well, why don't you talk to her?" Rose offered, imitating him.

"I have, I just, need pointers on how to become closer with her," Hoseok explained.

"Well, find out what she likes, her dislikes, her pet peeves, all that kinds of stuff. Then you can try getting closer to her by treating her to food. Food is the way to a woman's heart."

"Okay, I think I can do that, I think."

"You'll figure it out Hobi, you will trust me."


That night, Hoseok and Rose made pancakes and grilled cheese. Successfully not burning down the building. They stay at the counter listening to music at a quiet volume while talking about life.

Her life wasn't perfect, neither was his, but in their hearts, they were having a great life.


Rose quietly sat, watching Hoseok's dance and trying not to be too critical, despite Hoseok wanting her to be. It was 3 am. The two weren't tired at all and were full of energy, they had gone to Hoseok's dance studio in high hopes of buring off some energy. Sadly, it didn't work. They then decided to take advantage of their un-stoppable energy and decided to film dance covers of random songs. Songs like, TT by Twice,The Eve by EXO, Hero by MONSTA X, and Ko Ko Bop by EXO.

They never really went to bed persey, they did infact after filming went home and went to their rooms. Though, Rose grabbed her guitar and began to work on her song, Sitting by the Sunrise. She sat on her bean bag chair that laid in the corner of her room with her guitar in her lap. Little did she know that Jungkook was sitting against the wall that spit his and her room, silently listening to her play. He smiled softly, swaying slightly, and humming along even though he didn't know it. He didn't want to disturb her by entering her room, so like the smart makane he is, he grabbed his phone and slyly sent a text to her.

To Rosiepooh: Sounds good over there 

Jungkook cheekily smiled to himself and awaited Rose's reply

From Rosiepooh: Jungkook! you weren't supposed to hear that! ugh you've already heard it now, you can come over and listen I guess.

To Rosiepooh: Oops, alright I'm coming now

Jungkook quietly made his way over to Rose's room, closing the door quietly. He sat down on the rug where Rose sat on her bean bag chair. Rose glared at him, but reluctantly continued to play and practice. Jungkook smiled, closing his eyes and listening for any wrong notes or anything she needs to work on. After becoming a singer, he has tended to do that a lot more. 

He found himself falling asleep, Rose ended up falling asleep as well.


Authors Note


Y'all its been forever I'm so sorry! I have band practice everyday after school and then homework and then I have choir and my chorus concert coming up next week and then I work when I get home after band practice to make money to go to New York. Its so busy, I'm sorry. bUt, I am writing another story as well as working on this one so be looking out for that. I apologize for the wait once again. I will try to work on getting more time for writing. After all, this is what I want to do for a living.

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