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"You are indeed pregnant  Mrs. Green, You have the decision to either keep it or we can freeze the embryo until you are ready to be a parent or, your last option is to kill it. You are aware that in 4081 there are to many digits already. Your daughter may or not be one of the 5000 that are chosen to be killed, so choose wisely" 

"We don't want it" she turned swiftly to face her husband, mouth agape. She could not believe he would say such a thing after all the time they had both talked about having a baby, and now that they had found out they would be parents he had just blatantly tossed it back as if it were a dead dog.

"We do want-wait what's the gender?" she asked turning towards the nurse who looked at her with sympathy in her eyes, she didn't want sympathy.

"Hold on let me check" she told her softly, she felt as if the nurse was mocking her even though she probably wasn't. The nurse then stepped out, and that's when she pounced on her husband.

"What do you mean by we don't want it, what happened to all the talk about raising a family?" she was seething with anger, it was probably due to the hormones of being pregnant, in fact she was two months pregnant. She hadn't noticed until she had thrown up three times in one day and she had gained a few pounds.

"I know we talked about having a family but I can't get past the fact that he or she could be one of the 5000 chosen to be killed. You and I are lucky that we even lived to this day but that doesn't mean he or she will! I don't want to love them and then have them killed, I've witnessed my own mother get killed because of this" he had grabbed ahold of her stomach which was now starting to show and had kissed it, she could see the unshed tears in his blue eyes. Blue eyes which had been chosen by his parents.

She grabbed ahold of his face which had light stuble on his chin; he had forgotten to shave this morning.

"We can at least try, who knows maybe he or she won't even get chosen, there are millions of digits out there. What if we didn't try and later they cancel killing the digits, we would have missed out on raising a beautiful baby. Please we can at least try" she pleaded, she would even be daring enough to beg on her knees.

There was a moment of silence between the two in which he sighed and she squealed in delight. She had won.

The door opened showing the smiling nurse, she had heard everything. She couldn't help but feel annoyed that she had been eavesdropping but she was to happy at the fact that they could keep the baby she had wanted for a while now.

"So what's the gender?" she asked with a smile on her face while holding her husbands hand.

"You're going to have a baby girl"

At the news she couldn't help but sneak a peek at her husband who had always wanted a baby girl, is face proved her right he was happy beyond belief. She could tell by how his eyebrow slightly twitched like how it always did whenever he was happy.

"So what is your choice?" the nurse asked politely even though she had heard their conversation.

"We're keeping her" her husband said with a slight smile on his  face as he cupped his wife's stomach.

"Okay so what would you like your daughter to have? Color hair, eye, height, the specifics or would you like her to look similar to you?" the nurse asked as she began grabbing a book and then opened it revealing the news of their daughter.

"Auburn hair, hazel eyes, and could her height be similar to hers?" he asked pointing to his wife. He had named off everything they had wanted in their child, someone who looked normal and not like some other digits with their platinum hair and yellow eyes.

"Okay, thank you for the information. Your next appointment will be . . . . three weeks from now to change your daughter genetics to these. Thank you and have a good day, and remember  to eat healthy and not pick up anything heavy" the nurse smiled showing her pearly white teeth and then walked off as the room dimmed and they were left in silence to think about their unborn daughter


Hey guys :) Thanks for reading this! It means a lot to me and if it's possible can you vote, comment? Thanks again

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