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"Riley?" Standing up I made my way towards the nurse who held a small notepad in her hands which held all of my information since before my birth. I couldn't help but let my features soften since this was the nurse who had checked up on me since birth, she was rather odd looking compared to myself. With her bright blue hair that reminded me of a blueberries color and her dark grey eyes, compared to me she looked more of a digit than myself. "How have you been Riley? How has your mother and father been? Still working?" she asked making small talk as they passed by the many rooms in the clinic.

"I'm alright," I said tapping my wrist," my mom and dad are alright to, they're still working at the family business if that's what you mean. How have you been?" I asked her politely, I had been taught at a very young age to be polite towards those that were from the government.

Her features lit up from my question, she twisted her blue hair into a bun as she opened her mouth to answer my question.

"I'm good too! I finally got engaged though" she told me as she proudly slid her hand over to mine to show me her engagement ring, a pearl inbewteen two pieces of pyrite that were shaped into hearts. This must have cost a lot of points to buy. "remember Eric?" how could I not? Eric was a nice lad who only had eyes for Jordan, I had only met him once but I could tell he was someone who could take care of Jordan and all her enthusiasm. "You would not believe how he asked for me to marry him, it was the best a digit could ever ask for with flowers, lights and great food" she clasped her hand together making her drop the small notepad onto the floor making it open and a hologram of myself showed up from the notepad.

I watched as the hologram switched to one of my x-ray, it was odd since instead of seeing bones there, there were odd lights covering it. Gasping in surprise Jordan simply grabbed the notepad closing it before I could see anymore, the last thing that did catch my eye though was the part where it said Danger in a deep red. Was I sick and a danger to digits?

"What did you see? Riley, what did you see" she asked terror filling her eyes as they flicked towards the cameras and then the guards who stood near the entrance of the hallway, they were watching.

"Nothing, I saw nothing"

The meaning behind the danger? I wanted to know badly, but as soon as I said I saw nothing I realized my mistake, I couldn't ask her now maybe if I had said that I saw something maybe she would tell me, or maybe not. I couldn't help but remember the way she had looked at the guards with terror in her eyes, it was as if her answer was deciding something important like if she were to get married or not, or worse if she were to live or not.

I watched as she paced around the small room as a small bot followed her around picking up whatever she dropped and cleaning them with it's robotic arms. I tapped my wrist that had a clear bracelet surrounding it, his bracelet showed my heart beat, oxygen level, blood pressure, weight, height, and my blood type. Once I came in close proximity to the wire that was attached to the steel door. As soon as it was turned on it beeped out loudly which meant that the information was sent to the data bases where the information of everyone was stored. I should know since my parents talked about it most of the time.

She then came forward with a metal cylinder and a thin needle. Inserting the needle into the metal cylinder you could hear a rush of air as she pushed it out and than a\handed it to the bot whose arms extended over to mine. Turning my arms so that it could distinguish my veins it then punctured into my arm so fast I flinched and that pulled the handle back, I watched as red blood filled the cylinder to the very top. Afterward the bot snapped off the needle and closed the cylinder now turning it into a small vial and dropped it into it's stomach where it than labeled it with my name and the date.

There were many vials alongside mine which were being stored inside of the bot, for what they were for? I had no clue.

"Okay, Riley have you noticed any changes in you throughout the four weeks I haven't seen you?" she asked as the bot's arms whizzed past my face and than came back with the notepad it's fingers frozen over the top waiting for my reply.

"I have noticed something, My head would hurt so much that the daily pills I take won't make the pain go away. I think I need stronger pills or maybe just the vaccination." I told her, lately my head had hurt so much that the pills I was assigned to since I was five wouldn't work anymore. The doctors said that I only had migraines that needed either a vaccination or pills. I was uncomfortable with the way they vaccinated us digits so I chose the pills, which were easy to swallow.

The pills were encased with metal and could only be used if you stated your name, age, and what they were for and it had to be your voice or else it wouldn't be accessible. And only than if you had done everything right the metal would slowly pool off and into your hand and attach itself to your bracelet and then disappear.

Concern filled her face and she turned away from me. "Riley" was all she said and I was instantly scanned, my whole body lit up and it beeped continuously until Jordan waved her hand away.

"Which one would you like? these stronger pills or the vaccination, do keep in mind that the vaccination lasts for twenty days and is stronger than the pill. The pill you would have to keep swallowing for days and it might not work even than." she told me as she held a bottle which hold approximately twenty pills and in the other hand she held a big metal rod in which it would dig itself into my skin and release all of it's contents into my body, the only difference between the pills and the vaccination would be that the vaccination worked instantly and it provided great relief.

I had only done it once before when I was ten and even now I can clearly remember how it had dug into my skin with such force I cried because it hurt so much. Even though it had hurt for a couple of hours it had been worth it since I didn't need to take pills ofr twenty days and I felt so much better.

"I'll take the vaccination" I told her taking a deep breath, she handed the metal rod to the bot and the bot rose on it's wheels and pulled out my arm.It's robotic eyes looked up at me and I swear they were warning me not to, to take the pills instead. "I changed my mind, I want the pills" I told her as the bot stopped completely and waited for instructions, I couldn't help but think that the bot actually knew what was happening and there was a reason as to why it had wanted me to take the pills.

Jordan nodded simply and passed over the small bottle, the bottle may be small but it weighed a lot. Jordan then tapped something on the notebook and a beep followed in which her face turned completely white.

"What's wrong?" she asked her

"Oh, nothing. Nothing's wrong" she replied while her eyes flickered off to the side and her face was still an odd shade of white. "Well this concludes your visit, when would you like your next appointment?" she asked hands poised over the notepad.

"A month from now, please" I told her.

"So, August, 1?" she asked and I nodded as her fingers glided over the notebook. I stared at the small bot whose gaze lingered on the bottle in my hands. "Well I'll see you to the door, Riley" she told me.

Standing up the bot quickly zoomed to the door and opened it. Stepping out I noticed that the two guards that had been there now disappeared. And I had a dark suspicion that it had something to do with me.


Ohmygoodness guys I am so sorry >.< I haven't updated or been on since my internet was cut offf but I finally got it back :D guess who will be having regular updates now?

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