Chapter 3

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Yeah, Chapter 3. It will be short just how I want it to be. 

Just kidding, it will have a page in a range of 3-7. Not exceeding or less than that. It will have a high percent chance of having 4 or 5 pages though.

Wait! Why am I talking about this?

Anyways, Chapter 2 was kinda out of topic. I was kinda basing it on how Park falls dramatically in love, but then, damn dying laptop, so I cutted it only to that part.

Here's Chapter 3, enjoy!


Park Lianson

"This is mad, Park" whispered Lilly into my ear.

"Tell me about it" I whispered back as I looked over at Amanda who was pacing back and forth.

"Amanda's more nervous than us" I whispered into Lilly's ear.

"Yeah, and she's usually the confident one" replied Lilly.

I looked at over him as I noticed that he was staring immensely at me. Is there something on my face?

"Come on, Park, we gotto practice" said Lilly, snapping me out of my train of thoughts and as she grabbed both Amanda's and mine's arm.

You guys might be asking why Amanda, Lilly and I were now showcasing off our talents.

A few hours ago............


"Ky Wellis" replied the guy. As I remembered correctly before I dozed off in my imagination zone, Ky, was seated next to. I sighed as I dreamed heavily.


"You know, I have to agree with Parker there, is age really that necessary?" asked Ky as I was snapped out.

"Park" corrected Amanda for me.

"Yeah, Park, Parker, does it make a difference?" answered back Ky.

"You know, I feel so special knowing that you two are going to argue about my name" I said as I held back a smile. Those words were supposed to stay in my head, but hey, might as well say it out loud.

 Sam cleared his throat as Ky continued. I was immediately lost in my own thoughts as I heard Lilly hum to herself and Amanda tapping on her desk. Lilly was right, this is living hell.


"Jayden Flynn" I immediately stood up making my chair screech and as everyone turned to me. My mouth was agape and my eyes were wide open as I processed what was happening.

"Uhh, I'm sorry, uh -" I tried thinking of an excuse and decided to say the first word that came out my mind "COCKROACH!" With that, most of the girls, including Amanda were now jumping and yelling. Yay!!! Best excuse ever!

 "B-but its g-gone now" I said as I blushed like a crazy tomato on Tomatina. What the hell happened to ‘first impression is the best impression’?

 “Ummm, you may c-continue” I said as I urged the dreamy Jayden to go on. To my satisfaction, he did.

I was staring at him as he kept going on, oblivious to the fact that Amanda was poking at me.

“What?” I said with the tone of annoyment in my voice. 

“He’s kinda cute” said Amanda as I swear I vomited inside my body. The feeling is gross, trust me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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