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This will be the way you react if you saw the brothers' pasts, just like Yui with the Sakamaki's.
Ruki: You walked around the grand bedroom, one that you had never seen or stepped foot in before. You looked around to find yourself in front of a mirror, but to your surprise there was no reflection showing on the glass. You slowly looked around to finally notice a small figure on the bed sleeping peacefully with their back towards you, you crept slowly trying to get a better view. Grayish black hair, white skin, 'Could it be......', suddenly there was a loud crash behind the door that separated you and the rest of the mansion.
"Hah! Finally karma stroke, that old man ain't smart at all.", you heard a male voice yell along with other crashing sounds. "I'm done with being hurt by this family and not getting justice.", a female voice joined in, 'What'll happen?', you thought as the small body on the bed stirred slightly.
You heard the door being broken into, and finally the small boy jolted awake, scare ran thought eyes and being as the door opened, "Time for the big prize!", the same man you heard through the door said rushing towards Ruki. He grabbed the small boy's arm and slammed him to the ground, 'Ruki!!!!', in your mind you shouted, but out loud you gasped and whispered his name, you covered your mouth as you witnessed the physical abuse he had on his small form, "Your mother ain't never coming back either kid, she's long gone!", was all you heard when you closed you eyes, wishing to get of the room.
Moments after the beatings stopped you saw the room had became the garden, there you saw a more heartbreaking scene, Ruki standing there under his father's unmoving body that hung from a tree branch. 'Why?', was what ran through your mind as the garden disintegrated into a cell looking room, "This is what you get for running away boy!", you heard an old man's voice yell as a heated branding stick made contact with the young boy's back, you covered your eyes letting tears slip through your fingers, 'enough!', you whispered as you heard his screams of pain.
You woke up from the cold tiled floor of the kitchen, 'Was it......all a dream?'
Kou: You woke up to find yourself in some sort of orphanage, you immediately spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. 'Hmmm? Kou?' Getting up from the ground you noticed the room you were in was full of really cute faced children, all had the traits of a beauty, it was quite scary. "Alright kids, let's get going.", a soldier said rushing the children into a trailer that was soon taken to somewhere else, 'Kou looks so cute', you thought as the large vehicle moved away into the distance.
You opened your eyes, 'when had I closed my eyes?', you couldn't remember closing your eyes, but your mind was soon distracted with the way the new room looked, it was dimly lit and dirty, glass laid littered on the floor and a few people passed out.
Looking around you tried seeing for the little boy, which wasn't too hard, the blonde haired child was sitting on the floor covering his hands and legs with bandages. 'What happened?' "C'mere kid, there's another customer." You saw him shiver before he finished up his wounds and going into a room that looked like it had various assortments of weapons. 'Kou', you made your way to the door, what you had heard was things that couldn't be unheard.
      You noticed you had switched rooms once again, this time being a cell room, looking around you saw Kou kneeling on the cold floor with a knife in his hand, "I dare you to try, you won't do it though.", you looked up to see a small Ruki standing there, his usual book in hand, and a serious face. "I-I r-really can't!", Kou dropped the knife and held his hands over his eyes, letting tears escape his fingers, "You have hope still in you, that's why you can't kill yourself." "I just w-wanted to see the f-full.......s-sky." "Then why not try and get out of here?" "Huh?", Kou raised his face to look at a confident Ruki, "Really?" "Yup. Yuuma and Azusa are ready." "A-alright.", that's when you passed out only to see Kou and the other boys collapsed on the forest floor with a gunshot wound on each of their backs, soldiers running to them and returning them back to the room, 'Kou!', you shouted, obviously not catching the attentions of the men.
Yuuma: You awoke with a pounding headache, looking around you noticed you were sitting against a wall outside, it looked like a grimy place to be. Across to the other side you could see a small boy, who looked like Yuuma, sitting down with his forehead on his knees. You stood up wanting to approach him when another young boy beat you to it. You saw Yuuma slowly raise his head and look at the figure with hesitation and fear, "There's nothin to fear, I ain't gonna do anything to ya.", the blonde haired boy, whom you didn't recognize, grabbed a tomato from his pocket and handed it to the brown haired boy, "Thanks."
You were soon taken from that scene to reopen your eyes to a gruesome one, there were several kids on the ground limp and unmoving, blood covered the hard stoned ground. Each child, you had noticed, had gunshot wounds, but what scared you the most was the boy you had seen just a few minutes ago was lying face down in a pool of blood, which you assumed was his. You covered your mouth trying to keep in any of the gasps that threatened to escape your lips. 'W-what horrible m-monsters would do such a thing to y-young children?', you slowly made your way around the many deceased to find the one boy you were concerned about. You finally found him on the ground faced up and passed out, soldiers rushed to him and took him away in a truck.
You watched as the scene before you changed into an orphanage, Yuuma was still passed out on a bed, you sat down at an empty chair and waited till he awoke. It didn't take very long to get him to wake back up again, but he was frightened when he saw the gray ceiling, he rose up quickly looking around him trying to find any of his friends, unfortunately he knew what had happened, you could tell in the way his expression dropped significantly. "Hey, did you just get here?", you and Yuuma looked at the where the small child's voice was produced, you were taken aback when you saw a little Kou standing there with a curious face. "W-who're you, and w-where am I?" "You're in an orphanage, and my name's Kou, what's your's?" "Bear.", 'Bear?', you thought as you had never heard the nickname before. "Interesting name, Ruki!!!! I think we have a new friend.", another boy, whose name you recognized, stood by the rooms entrance, along with a small Azusa. "When did you get here?", Ruki asked as he and Azusa made their way towards the other pair, "I'm not sure, I woke up in here." "Well, don't worry the three of us aren't going to hurt you, we'll stick together."
You stood up and saw the scene change once more, this time being stuck by the opening of a forest. "Run guys, hurry.", you looked to your right and saw the 4 young boys running out of a half burning orphanage and into the forest. "Catch them!!!!!" You saw 6 soldiers, holding guns, run into the forest as well, you made a brisk walk to, following the boys and the soldiers, but you were afraid when you heard 4 shots ring out, the birds in the forest getting scared and quickly flying away. You stopped, frozen in your tracks, 'No!!!', you wanted to move to see what was up ahead but you were afraid, afraid to see what laid over the hill.
Azusa: You opened your eyes expecting to see the living room, where you had fallen asleep, but instead you were looking at the cobblestone streets, 'Where.....?', you stood up with holding you head hoping you were dreaming, but you pinched yourself and the dream didn't go away. You looked up and saw a small boy walking around aimlessly, 'He sure looks like Azusa.', you decided to follow him.
After a few minutes you ended up in a place you didn't know of, but still Azusa didn't stop walking and it didn't look like he'd stop anytime soon, that was until there were 3 shady looking kids, who looked older than Azusa. "Hey, look Melissa! I've found a little wanderer.", a girl said as another one appeared in front of the younger boy. "Justine! Where are you. I think we have a new little toy.", a much taller make emerged from the shadows looking down at Azusa with a dissatisfied expression. "Hmmm? Who're you?", Azusa said nothing, only staring at the three kids, "Not gonna say anything huh?", the girl Melissa said crossing her, "Should we let him hang around?" "Let him, he'll be our stress reliever.", Justine said turning around and heading somewhere else. "Let's go kid.", the other girl, Christine, said pushing the boy, down he went to the floor. "Ehh? Weakling!" Christine said picking him up by his collar and dragging him along with them to their hideout, 'What cruel and suspicious looking kids.', you closed your eyes for one second.
Reopening your eyes you saw the three kids beating up Azusa for, what seemed like, an unknown reason. 'So that's what they meant by stress reliever.', you wanted to drop kick the three kids, but you couldn't do anything since this was a memory of Azusa's past, but you hadn't expected him to laugh while they were beating him up with force and unforgiving power.
You closed you eyes once more hoping the scene would go away, which it did, but you didn't expect Azusa to be crying, waterfalls on both sides of his face as he tried to stop it. 'Why is he crying?' "I thought you'd be happy to hear that these thieves are finally gone.", you saw a police man say to the boy, you put 2 and 2 together and realized that Christine, Justine, and Melissa were finally out of his life, but you were upset that he was crying over their deaths. "T-they m-made me ha-ave m-my life again. I c-could make t-them hap-py when they b-beat me." Azusa walked away from the police man still crying profusely.
You followed him once again until he sat down by a shoe store, minutes later he eventually fell asleep with dry tear stains on his face. "Boy! You better move from here, your making my business slower than usual!" The shopkeeper shouted at the sleeping boy waiting for him to get up, "Well, get out of here!", the old man kick Azusa in the stomach, this elicited a loud laugh from him, the shopkeeper looked in disgust, but called someone to pick him up and get him to an orphanage.
You saw the scene before you turn into something else, it was a gray room with 3 other boys inside, whom you recognize as Ruki, Yuuma and Kou. "You guys ready to start the plan?" Ruki asked gesturing to the others. Kou and Yuuma nodded, but Azusa looked unsure, "Azusa?" Ruki slapped the younger boy, "Get your head out of the clouds or we won't hesitate to leave you here.", Azusa nodded and that's when the plan started.
You were taken to the outside where you saw 6 soldiers holding onto 4 boys who looked limp, all had gunshots in the back of them, the soldiers passed by you and you saw the little boy you were following for the longest time, along with his brothers.
This is by far the longest I've ever written, well on WattPad anyways.
This took me about 5 hours to p figure out how I wanted this to go, I think it turned out pretty good.
I know there may be grammar/spelling errors, I will check into it later.
Until next time, bye bye *~*
Update: check out my Sakamaki scenerios/imagines if you really want to see them ;)

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