I'm sorry

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"Spock darling are you okay?" I asked as we walked into our room and sitting on the bed.

"Yes it is just my father and I have not spoken in four years. He hates me." Spock said laying his head in my lap.

"Darling he doesn't hate you he may be disappointed that you choose StarFleet over him." I said running my hands through his hair.

"We have work t'hy'la." Spock said getting up.

"I know but I'll only leave if I get something." I said smirking.

Spock leaned down and kissed me before pulling me up and having me leave to go to the engineering section.

"This is the engineering station. There are and number emergency backup systems for the main controls. Over here number of control computers." Kirk said coming in.

I was beside a ensign and saw Spock stand up and heard some of the conversation with his mother.

"After all these years among humans, you still haven't learned to smile." Amanda said to Spock.

"Human smile with so little provocation." Spock said.

"And you haven't come to see us in four years, either." Amanda said.

"The situation between my father and myself has not changed." Spock said.

"My wife, attend." Sarek said across the room.

Amanda left to his side and I went to talk to Spock.

"T'hy'la do you need something?" Spock asked me smiling.

"Are you okay darling?" I asked grabbing his hand.

"I will be fine after this is all over." He said smiling at me.

"Mr. Spock a moment, if you please." Kirk said across the room.

Spock let go of my hand and went over to the Captain.

"Yes, Captain?" He asked.

"Lieutenant Roy will you come over here as well?" Kirk said smiling at me.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Spock explain the computer components." Kirk said.

After a while Sarek spoke," I gave Spock his first instruction in computers captain. He chose to devote his knowledge to Starfleet instead of the Vulcan science academy."

"If you will excuse me, captain." Spock said leaving the room.

"I'm sorry Ambassadors. I did not mean to offend. I thought that--"

"Offense is a human emotion. I'm returning to my quarters. Continue, my wife." Sarek said leaving.

"Mrs. Sarek, I just don't understand." Kirk said.

"Amanda. I'm afraid you couldn't pronounce the Vulcan name " She said smiling.

"Can you?" Kirk asked smiling.

"After a fashion, and after many years of practice. Shall we continue the tour? My husband did request it."

"It sounded more like a command." Kirk said.

"Of course. He's a Vulcan. I'm his wife." Amanda stated.

"And Spock is your son." Kirk said walking in front of her.

"You don't understand the Vulcan way captain. It's logical. It's a better way than ours. But it's not easy. It has kept Spock and Sarek from speaking as father and son for 18 years." She said sadly.

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