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I was walking to my station when I ran into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry......father!" I said shocked.

"Hello my Alika me and your mother have missed you so." He said hugging me.

"How long have you been on the ship." I said happily.

"Since I saw you kiss Spock in the hall way." He said laughing.

"Oh my don't tell anyone please father." I begged.

"My daughter your secret is safe with me my love." He said kissing my head.

"I miss you and mama." I said hugging him.

"And we miss you. I must get back to Sarek. Show me the way to his quarters?" He asked linking arms.

"Of course." I said smiling at him.

Me made it there and when we got in Sarek was on the floor with Bones checking on him.

"Ambassador what happen!" My father exclaimed.

"There is something wrong with him I need to get him to the medbay. Help me Ston?" Bones asked.

We left to the medbay where Bones checked out what was wrong with him. It took sometime but he found out that Sarek needed surgery.

"Alika please inform Kirk and Spock I need them down here." Bones said.

"Of course.....Lt. Roy to Captain." I said over the com.

"Kirk here."

"Sir Bones needs you and Spock here in medbay." I said calmly.

"Alright please go to the party and make sure everything is alright Lt. Roy."

"Yes Captain." I said leaving to go meet the guests.

"Lt. Alika I presume. I am Shras." He said greeting me.

"Oh yes you were there earlier when ambassador Sarek had that fight with Gav." I said smiling at him.

"I came over here because I wanted to congratulate you." He said bowing his head.

"Congratulate me on what Ambassador?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"The baby of course I'd say you are three months." He said smiling.

"Three months pregnant.....I'm sorry I'm just confused I have no idea of me being with child." I said honestly.

"You may want to check with your doctor but I am a hundred percent sure you are with child. You see I can hear the heartbeat." He said pointing to his ears.

"Well thank you so much I'll talk to him as soon as I can." I said as he walked away.

I made sure everything was okay and then got a call from Kirk to meet him. I made my way to where he was and he explained both situations.

"Captain I may have to take leave." I said walking beside him.

"Well I'll need a reason soon to be Mrs. Spock." He said smirking at me.

Star Trek Alika Roy journey to babelWhere stories live. Discover now