Chapter 1

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*Justin's POV*

I will tell you something that is great about my life.... It is running a whole kingdom all by myself. For years, I have watched my father and learned everything in the kingdom and what it must offer. Then the day came that my father stepped down and made me king. Yes, life is great for me, I have everything I could ever want and all the girls that I could possibly get my hands on. I mean come on, I'm wealthy and I own the kingdom. What girl doesn't want me. I knew that nothing could make this any worse. At least, that's what I thought anyways....

Currently, I tangled in the sheets with one of the girls I met at the club. She was a great fuck the only problem was that I didn't know what her name was, and she needed to leave. But she had me wrapped around her finger.

I sit up and stretch, "okay it's time for you to go... umm..."

She sat up, letting the cover drop from her chest, "Chelsea." She started to run her fingers up and down my arm. Her curly red hair was a mess and the countless hickies that were on her neck and chest didn't help her at all either.

I groan softly, "right, sorry. A lot has happened since last night." I lay on my back and sigh softly, "come on Chelsea, that enough." I look over at her and I knew she wasn't going to leave so easily.

Chelsea giggled and drew circles on my chest, "come on Justin. I know that you don't want to get rid of me. Why don't you just make me your mistress and things could get a whole lot better. You wouldn't need to call me every time you want to get in bed."

She had a good point as I thought about what she had just said to me. As I get ready to speak, the door of room opened, and a servant walked in. Chelsea turned red and hid under the cover. I sigh and rub my face, "Why doesn't anyone know how to knock around here?"

He cleared his throat, "I'm sorry for intruding your Majesty but the council is here to speak with you."

I quickly sit up, "what do you mean the Council is here to speak with me?! There is nothing wrong here. Send them away now."

The servant shrugged, "I was to just to inform you that they are here. And they said that if you don't see them, they will come up here and speak with you personally."

I groan softly and get up, "tell them to meet me in the throne room in 5 minutes."

He nods and leaves the room. I walk to the bathroom and take a shower, so I didn't reek of sex. I get out and get dressed in a nice suit, I then comb my hair back and place my crown on my head. I walk out of the bathroom and see Chelsea was still lying in bed.

I growl a bit, feeling myself getting angry, "I SAID GET OUT!!!! And I will think about what you said later."

Chelsea gasped, quickly got dressed and was out the door. I hated when girls started to become attached to me. There's no way in this world I'm getting married. But I did like the idea of her becoming my mistress. I made my way downstairs, through the long hall ways. I walked through the doors that were held open to the throne room. I walk in as body guards, servants, and maids bowed. I walk up to the throne and take my seat. The council members walked closer, bowed before me and stood straight.

I clear my throat, "why is it that you summed me this early?"

One of the council members stepped forward and a small bow, "our humble apologies your majesty. But something has come to our attention. And it was only time for us to put attention to it."

I raise an eyebrow, "which is?" I was already losing my patience. All I wanted to do was lay in bed or go clubbing.

The man looks at me and sighs, "sir, it's come to our attention that you have to get married."

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