Chapter 3

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Author's note: I'm basing Aubree's determination and pride from my favorite show Reign. Queen Mary in the show is very strong headed and determined to not let anyone stand in her way of her people and throne. Enjoy.

*Aubree's POV*

It was a few days after the party, newspapers and news channels are going on about how excited they are to see Justin and I get married. I honestly did not care about the stupid wedding at this point, there's nothing that I'm going to get out of it. Justin will get to keep his crown and walk around with his so called mistress, while I stay back in the shadows. It just was not right is all. I walked through the hallways and stopped by the office room my mother had been in everyday. She was in the middle of getting things for the wedding sorted out, i noticed she was meeting with the cooks and some other party planners.

She smiled at me after I entered the room, "hello sweetheart! I was just finishing up with the menu for the big day. I wanted you to joy me so we could look at wedding dresses together."

I nod and walk over to her. I sit down and see sent some people away with the flick of her wrist and pulled the wedding dress catalogs in front of us. At least she's letting me pick my dress out, I guess.

My mother took my hand in hers, "I'm going to miss you so much when you move away."

I looked at my mother confused, "what do you mean move away?"

She lets my hand go and sips away at her tea, "well after your coronation, you will be moving in with the King. You two will have your own corridor at their estate."

I shake my head and look at her, "I am not moving in with him. If this arranged marriage is going to work, it is going to work my way too." I called one of the servant over and I looked at them sternly, "Send a message to the Bieber's that I want a audience with the King and his Father. Now."

The servant nods and walks off, I turn to my mother and she looks at me, "I understand that I said you can start making orders and calls, but what do you need an audience with them for?"

I smiled at my mother, "if I am going to become the queen, I need to begin making some demands for myself out of this marriage. He wants to keep his crown and land that once was his fathers, he is going to listen to some of the demands that have. For number one, I demand loyalty in the marriage, meaning he can not have a mistress at his side. I will not give up my freedom just so Justin can have complete control of everything. I will be queen in just a few days and I am not going down without a fight for myself."

She stood up and walked over to me, taking my hand in hers, "I am so proud of you sweetheart. You will make a beautiful and strong ruler. Just like your father was." My mother smiles and kisses my forehead.

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My mother and I sat in the throne room waiting for the Bieber's to arrive. She let me take her place in the throne since I will become queen in just a few short days. I watched as the doors opened, Justin and his father walked in. Justin looked confused on my seating but did not let that distract him. They stood in front of us and made a small bow.

Justin stood straight and looked at my mother, "what couldn't wait that my father and I were rushed here for?"

I stood and walked to the front off the stairs and stared down at him, "my mother did not ask you here. I did."

He looked over at his father confused, as he too was confused on why I called them there. Justin looked back at me, "why would you send for us? Only the queen and king can make requests of others kings and queens to join them."

I smirked slightly at him, "I see you are forgetting that I will be Queen in just a few days. My mother has passed all her responsibilities down to my straight away. So you will direct all your concerns to me. Do i make myself clear?"

I watched Justin swallow hard. I knew he had no choice but yo listen since he was in my kingdom now. He does a small bow, "of course my queen."

I smiled and clapped my hands together, "Perfect. Anyways, I called you here to tell you my that I have requests of my own if you want this marriage to happen."

Justin looked at me, "Requests? You do not get any say in this marriage agreement."

I smiled and walked down the stairs, stopping just before I hit the bottom that way I was a little higher up against him, "So are you telling me that you do not want this marriage? Because that is what it is sounding like King Justin..." I looked over him and could tell this whole situation was bothering him. My smiled faded away and I placed a serious look on my face, "You will give me these requests or you will loose your crown and your kingdom. I will take them over and you will not get anything. The people in my kindgom will riot and tear your gates down and make you pay for not treating their queen with respect and loyalty. Now do I make myself clear Justin?" His name dripped off my lips like venom, I knew he would take my serious if I did not address him by King Justin and threatened his kindgom and crown.

His eyes sent daggers at me but I could not care, "what requests do you have my queen?"

I smiled softly, knowing I was going to win this battle, "If my requests are not met, this marriage will end and you will loose everything. My first request is that after my coronation, we will be living here till the wedding. My people need their queen after she is placed on the throne. Of course you will be welcome to sit beside me during our time here. My second request is that after this wedding happens, you will be devoted to your queen. No mistresses or messing around. If I hear of anything about you with one of your whores, I will have you followed and I will have her banished from the kingdoms. I have other requests that will come in the future."

I could tell he wanted to yell and scream at me but with our parents standing there, they heard everything I had said. I stood my ground as we waited for his answer. I was going to stand down, I will destroy him and his legacy if he did not answer to my requests.

Justin huffed out and grits his teeth, "as you wish my Queen."

I nod, "good, now I do live up to my words King Justin. Now if you will excuse me, I have some coronation and birthday plans to be finishing up." I walked out passed everyone. Justin and his father's faces were shocked with the show I just put on. Probably not excepting something like that coming from me. My mother watched me with pride as I exited the room. I had no guilt what so ever with everything I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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