Chapter 2

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*Aubree's POV*

My mother's words played over and over in my head. You will be wedded after your birthday. I couldn't believe my mother! I can run a kingdom without a man at my side, she's done it for years since dads been gone. I look down at my book and sigh in frustration, I haven't read a single word of my book since I sat down and started thinking about all that's happened. I've barely spoken to my mother about what happened last night either. As far as I know, she's already meeting with wedding planners and stuff. I get up and walk inside and end up running right into her.

She smiles gently at me, "Hello darling, have a wonderful reading session?"

I shake my head and sigh, "No, my mind was one too many different things to read."

My mother nods and gently takes my hand in hers. She pulls me along to walk with her, "I know this is not what you wanted sweetheart. But if it bonds our kingdoms together and you can create peace between our kingdoms, then you must make sacrifices."

I roll my eyes, "Sacrifices? You should really tell that to King Justin mother. He's not doing this because of falling in love with me, he's doing it to save his own throne. He is power hungry and that's all. I always put my people first. When is the last time you seen King Justin do something good for the people of his kingdom?"

She looks at me, "Honey, you are making it sound like you are going to lose your crown when you get married. Listen, when you marry him, you will still be the Queen of your kingdom and become the Queen of his kingdom. And Vis Versa. And I know what you mean about him and the good deeds, but maybe all it can take is one good person to change him."

I look at her, "But where does love come into play in all this? I want to marry someone for love, not just for business or laws."

My mother smiles softly and kisses my head, "He'll learn to love you sweetie, it just takes time is all." She stops walking and turns me to face her, "How about I set up some parties and stuff for you two, then you two can try to get to know each other?"

I shrug softly, "You can try, but it doesn't mean it will work."

She nods and walks away with her ladies in waiting right behind her. I sighed and walked off to my room, hoping she doesn't do anything too dramatic.


Later, my mother came by my room telling about a masked ball that she is throwing tonight as a celebration. It would be were supposedly Justin would be making the engagement announcement, making it clear that the hate between our kingdoms would be over due to uniting together. Of course, me being me, I wanted to make my mother happy and agreed to go to the ball. Even though I didn't really have a choice anyways. She has the maids get a dress and mask around for me and went off to make sure things were going as planned for the party tonight. I laid around in sweats and a tank top till it was time to take a shower and pull on what my mother had picked out for me. (pictured below) Honestly, she didn't do that bad of a job picking out my outfit. I really loved it. If I'm lucky, king Justin will like it as well. I placed my crown on my head then put my mask on. I then walked out and down to the ball room for what could be an interesting night. I walked in and a few people bowed to me, I smile politely at them and walked over to my mother.

 I walked in and a few people bowed to me, I smile politely at them and walked over to my mother

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