Chapter 1: Beginning

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I am in average girl my name is Serena Yvonne, I am 18 years old. I am starting the Shadow Hunters academy in September. Which is pretty for away in Paris, France. I live in Vancouver right now but my Mom is going to move us when I start the at the academy. I do not know a lot about this place but it is a school for specially gifted people like me. I am half angel half human known as Nephilim, that means one of my parents are an angel which my Dad was. He left my Mom right after I was born. It was hard for me in high school because being half angel makes you really beautiful so a lot of boys would not stop trying to ask them out. I always said no though.

I have beautiful ocean blue eyes, long honey blonde hair and a fair complexion. I am 5'6 tall.

"SERENA TIME TO GET UP." My Mom yells.

I just shake my head, My Mom is so annoying sometimes but I love her all the same. I open my window and feel a nice ocean breeze blowing though my honey blond hair.

I go to the bathroom to have a shower. I finish and wrap a towel around myself. I get my clothes from my closet, which consist of a black under shirt, a cute pink romper, black leggings and my pink fedora. My brown boots are down stairs. I get dressed and head downstairs.

"Hey Mom!" I smile.

"Hi Sweetie, how did you sleep?" She asks.

My Mom has honey blonde hair, and looks like me just a little older. "It was great Mom. I can't wait to go to the Shadow Hunter academy." I jump up and down.

"It will be a new start for us, that's for sure. Want pancakes for breakfast?" My Mom looks at me with a huge grin on her face.

"Sure Mom." I smile, I run back to my room and lift the acceptance letter from my desk and look at it again.

Dear Miss Yvonne

You have been accepted to the Shadow hunter academy in Paris France which will teach people like you to use your gifts to hunt demons, help others, and to learn.

See you then
President Woodland

I put the letter down on my desk. I open my computer and log in to the school website. The academy is quite big it has its own shopping mall, swimming pool, dormitories, training rooms, lots of classrooms. And such.

I go to the chart for new students. I open it and put in a username.

Honey blonde18: Is anyone online?

Blondeguy 18: Yes I am, nice to meet you.

Honey blonde18: Nice to meet you to. I am going to be coming to the Shadow hunter academy in September.

Blondeguy18: Me too hope I meet you there. You sound really cool already.

Honey blonde18: bye

Blondeguy18: bye

Blondeguy18: has logged off.

Honey blonde18: has logged off.

I turn my computer off, I can't wait to go now. I walk backdown stairs and sit down at the kitchen table. "Mom I met this guy on the school chat line." I smile with a big grin on my face.

"My little girl is growing up to fast." My Mom giggles.

"Mom it's not like a have a crush on this guy." I blush looking down on the floor. I eat the pancakes with some maple syrup and blueberries. My favourite breakfast of all time. I eat pretty fast but not too fast so I can enjoy what I am eating.

Time skip
2 weeks later August 25th

Moving day is finally here, I get out of bed and look out the window and see the moving truck on the driveway. At least it is not raining today, it has rained pretty much all of the summer which sucked. I am going to miss my old friends but to be honest I did not have many in high school.

Serena Yvonne Shadow Hunter Where stories live. Discover now