Chapter 2: The Academy

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The airplane lands in Paris, France after a long 7 hour flight. I feel someone nudging me. I open my eyes to see my Mom looking at me.

"Sweetie we landed time to go our new house. Even though you will be living at the academy." She smiles.

We both walk off the airplane and head to get our luggage. I heard this region is know for falling in love. That is so overrated, I have never liked anyone and that is not going to happen to me.

We walk out of the terminal and get a cab. We both get into the cab and shut the door.

"Where we headed today Miss?" The cabdriver driver says in a French accent.

"We are headed to the academy in Paris." My Mom replies.

As we drive on the highway, I admire the scenery out of the window mostly building and houses with shops in between. As we make it off the highway, the city is pretty big close up. It is a beautiful city with lots of rich history. From reading I know it has great shopping as well.

We finally make it to the academy it looks like a regular university, but I know it is not. The cab comes to a stop. Me and my Mom step out of the cab.

"Ok Serena, I am going to head to our new home. Give me a call when your settle in." My Mom gives me a hug and gets back into the cab.

"I will." I smile. I get my suitcase, I see the car drive off and with that I am alone again. The school is pretty big. I walk into the front entrance I see lots of students walking around. There is a big chandelier in the middle of the main hall. I run up to the first staff member I see.

"Excuse me?" I ask, trying to keep my face straight.

"Yes, my name is Amy. How can I help you." Amy replies.

"I am looking to register my room and get my school schedule?" I look around confused.

"Right down the hallway to the left of the main lobby is registration." Amy points her hand straight down the hallway.

I thanked Amy, and walked down the hallway to registration. I walk up to the front desk. I see a lady with brown hair and green eyes.

"How may I help you?" She asks politely grinning.

"I need to register, my name is Serena Yvonne." I reply. I am very excited I am at the Shadow hunter academy.

"Thanks, let me look your name up. Yes Serena Yvonne from Vancouver. Your room number is 220, the Anita hall south building. You can get your schedule from administration. Which is further down the hall to the right, passed the water fountain. Hope you have fun first year." She smiles.

"Thanks Miss." I walk down the hallway toward the water fountain. I look at the fountain it has gold angels and people on it. Which look pretty cool. I continue walking to the administration room. I walk right into someone.

"Watch where your going?" Someone says.

I look up and see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, he is a little tall. He look kinda cute.

"Sorry, my name is Serena Yvonne." I grin.

"That's ok, my name is Darrin Silverstein. Nice to meet you Serena." He smiles.

"Nice to meet you too. I am going to get my schedule want to come?" I ask trying to not blush.

"Sure, I was going that way anyways."
We start walking again, I see the room coming up.

I wonder if this is the boy I met on the school chat line. Who knows he did not tell me his name. We walk into the administration room.

I walk up to the front desk in the office.

"Can I get my schedule? My name is Serena Yvonne." I ask. Tapping my feet on the floor. The room is pretty small it has a plain white walls and a few posters of the school.

"Sure, Miss Yvonne. Here you go." The office lady passes my schedule.

I thank her and take my schedule from her hand, I look at my schedule.

I have

1st class History of angels

2nd class Math

3rd class Weapons and training

4th lunch

5th class History of Paris

6th class Social sciences

Darrin walks up and gets his schedule. He walks back over to me.

"Hey Serena, I have all the same class as you." He laughs.

"Great, at least I know someone here." I laugh nervously.

"See you later Serena. Nice meeting you, I will see you at dinner." He looks back at me as he walks away.

"Ok bye." I whisper back.

(To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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Serena Yvonne Shadow Hunter Where stories live. Discover now