First Period

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This is perhaps one of my most cringeworthy memories.

It takes place during the summer of my eighth grade year.

For most of the summer, I stayed home buried away in my room. And when I wasn't in my room, it's because I moved to the living room, to get something to eat.

Now, the weird part about this summer, was the fact that I was a lot lazier than normal. I was always tired, and moody, and simply uninterested in life.

This was super weird because all of the other summers before this one, I actually made attempts to get out of the house, and do fun things with my friends and sometimes with my brothers. It was just this particular summer, that I stayed inside, all day. Like I would literally fall asleep at 5am and wake up at 4pm in the afternoon.

This drove my parents crazy, especially my mom.

She was always getting mad at me for staying in the house all day and doing nothing. So she resorted to creating this 'Sunshine Plan' for the house. Believe me, it's as ridiculous as it sounds.

She basically created this schedule that included at least 1 hour of sunshine a day, that could only be attained through going outside, and the schedule annoyed my soul. I mean, at random times of the day, my mom would force me to go outside, and it always made me mad  that my brother Ashton stayed inside all day too, and she never once, made him go outside!

My brother Ashton and I were exactly the same that summer. If there was ever a time when we were alike, this was the time. We literally stayed in our rooms all day.

At the time, we weren't very close, but we occasionally spoke if we were ever in each other's presence, but that was about it, as far as communication went. We were both lazy shits.

Because while my parents went to work, and my other brothers went camping and hung out with friends, we stayed in our rooms, and played video games or watched TV, for the entire day. But believe me, we weren't miserable at all, we enjoyed doing nothing.

Now don't get me wrong, I have friends, so it's not that I'm lonely, I'm just lazy. As a person, I just prefer to stay in bed all day and watch Netflix. But after working hard in school for 10 months, my mothers sees this as no bueno!

So the story begins one day in July when my friends and I made plans to go to the movies.

I was 14 at the time and couldn't care less about the movies, but it would make my mother happy, so I went.

My dad dropped me off at the theaters, and my brother Lucas, who was about 19 at the time agreed to pick me up after it ended.

Well, compared to everyone else, I was a late bloomer. I didn't start growing boobs till I was like 15 and my height was a little bit stunted until I reached 14 years of age.

So, as you can imagine, that meant that I had not started my period yet, and it decided to come in a moment, when I was the most unprepared!

That moment would be while watching the movie.

About halfway into the movie, I started to feel weird. My stomach felt like I had gas and my pants felt wet, but I knew that there was no way that I had peed on myself because I kept my drinking to a minimal.

So, I decided to get up during the middle of the movie and go to the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom, you could imagine my horror and fear as I discovered blood in my panties.

I instantly knew what was going on and I was freaking out. I didn't have any pads or tampons on me, and there were none for sell in the bathroom. And as a fourteen year old, I was too embarrassed to ask around for help.

So I just stuffed toilet paper in my panties and tried to pretend that it didn't happen.

Well, during the movie, the toilet paper proved to be too weak to handle my period, so I of course, leaked through my pants!

I was absolutely mortified.

My friends didn't have any supplies or jackets since it was summertime, so I was practically left in a desperate situation.

I called my brother to come pick me up, but I didn't tell him what happened, cause that would just be awkward.

Eventually, my brother showed up to pick me up, and as soon as he texted me saying that he was here, I ran downstairs to get in the car.

He was standing outside this shop looking at the display as I dashed passed him with my hands behind my back trying to cover the stain.

The stain was not huge, but it also wasn't small. It was larger than the size of a quarter, and was spread across the middle of my ass.

So I am absolutely positive that he noticed the stain but just chose not to mention it because he knew that I'd be embarrassed, which to this day, I still think it's the nicest thing ever.

During the car ride, it was very awkward because I knew that he had seen the stain, so I didn't know what to say. I could tell that he wanted to bring it up, but he probably just figured that I didn't wanna talk about it, because of how quiet I was.

Anyways, when we got home, I stormed into the bathroom and took a shower.

I was too embarrassed to tell my mom, for fear that the news would get out, so I decided to try and keep it to myself.

But the toilet paper method wasn't working for me. The blood was just ruining all of my underwear.

So, later that night, I talked to Lucas.

I just asked him not to tell anybody that I got my period, and he agreed to keep my secret. But I also had to ask him to buy me pads which was really embarrassing for me, but he was really understanding and cool about it, so he bought me some, which honestly saved my life.

I was able to keep this secret for almost a year, with Lucas buying me all the supplies I needed, but my mom was starting to get curious as to why I hadn't started my period yet, so I eventually told her, and that was it.



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