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Chapter Five

It takes me a while to actually find the entrance to the emergency escape tunnel. We used to run drills long before Jayla was born but we never thought we would actually have to use it. I hate the thought of having no choice but to use it. I find the handle and place my palm into the hand shape in the wall. I wait for the rock to slide open. The giant rock that blocks mine and Jayla's freedom moves just as we hear the footsteps. "Jayla, go!" I shout as I shove her into the tunnel. She hesitates but I push her all the way through. The footsteps are getting closer. I jump into the tunnel myself, a ladder leading upward to the surface right in front of me, Jayla already climbing. I follow her up. It's a very long way up and the longer the tunnel goes, the smaller it gets. It gets so tight that I have to slip off my sniper and tie it to the ladder. I don't feel that great about leaving such a valuable weapon, but it's not exactly normal for a teenage girl to be caring a sniper around her back, even in this situation. "Braydon, there's something blocking the way," whispers Jayla. "We're at the end of the tunnel, it's okay, just come down so I can move it."

She comes down a few steps and I climb over her and move away the cap. We are in an ally way in the remotest part of the city. No one would ever expect us here. I climb out and help Jayla. I put that backpack with the weapons on my back and let her carry the one with the food. I slide across the ally wall and peer out. I look around. Men with strange blue military uniforms roam the streets. And in their hands, giant riffles.

"Jayla, listen to me, this part is very dangerous. I need you to stay close to me and don't say anything and keep your face down. Don't let go of my hand." I grab her hand tight and pull her alongside me. We walk out of the ally way and walk down the side walk like normal people would. Normal. That's all I wanted a few hours ago but now, all I want are my robot family members back. I scan the streets as blue tanks roll down the street, followed by soldiers. Posters are on every wall. They say things like, "We have come to save you!"

"We fight for you, they fight against you!" The last one scares me the most

"Down with the Presidents!!" I grab Jayla and run as far from that one as possible. Every time I see a poster I can't breathe. We keep our heads down and walk around anybody in our way. We don't speak. But every once and a while I hear a sniffle come from Jayla. I have to remember that she loved our parents too. That she just lost the people she looked up to.

I don't know where I am going. I'm just walking. I don't know where to go. I don't know if any of the safe houses are still accessible. Even if they are, I don't know how I would find them without asking someone where we are. I feel stupid for not listening to my mother when she told me that learning ones state might just save your life. And I find myself admitting this once again: my mother was right. And I'm also starting to wonder if she was ever wrong.

"Braydon, there's someone following us," whispers Jayla.

"Shhh." I whisper back, reminding her that we have to stay quiet. I turn my head slightly to get a glimpse to see if someone was following us. There was no one. "It's ok, No one is following us. And remember you cannot call me by my name. We have to keep our identity a secret."

"Then what do I call you?" she asks. "Samantha. And I'll call you Bella. What do you think?" I've always loved the name Samantha; it's a lot better than my boy's name.

She takes a moment to think about the names that I have picked. "I like my new name because it's a similar to my old one but yours is too girly for you."

"Hey, it's not my fault they let Dulce name me." I whisper harshly.

"Well Dulce is dead so now you can pick a new name." she says. My heart sinks. And all of a sudden I don't want a new name. It was a family tradition to have the older siblings name the younger ones. So Calvin named Dulce, Dulce named me, and I named Jayla.

The day is still clear in my mind. I was 10 years old, leaning over the hospital bed my mom was in as she held my new baby sister in her arms. My brothers and father were there too, standing and watching with happiness in their eyes. "Ok, Braydon what do you want to name your new baby sister?" asked my mother. "Can I see her? I have to see what she looks like to pick a name to match." I said. My mom laughed to herself, adjusted her position and held the little baby out to me. "Isn't she beautiful? So what do you think she looks like?" asked my mom, a smile plastered on her face. I stare at the little girl longer. I looked at her long lashes, her chubby pinky cheeks, her bald head and button nose, "she looks like a Jamie. But I really wanted her to look like a Layla. That's the name I wanted," I passed a quick glare at Dulce who just smiled sheepishly. "So why don't you just combine the names?" offered my dad. I played around with the different names in my mind until I had it. "Jayla. That's her name." I state. My mom's face lite up with happiness. "Little Jayla. I love it." my mom stoked my hair and gave me a kiss and told me she loved me. And I wish she could say it again.

"Well 'Bella' what name do you think I should have?" I ask.

"How about Cameron?"

"Fine." I mumble, as I'm stuck with another boy's name.

"Uh, Cameron. I'm hungry." says Jayla. I mean, Bella. I look around me. The coast seems clear so we duck into a dark alley. I put the bags down and sit on the ground as I dig through all the food we have. I was about to open a bag of carrots when a hand is clamped over my mouth and two around my waist, pulling me further into the dark. I try to fight, but the people who grabbed me are stronger. Much stronger. I hastily look for Jayla. But she is no where to be seen. My heart rate starts to speed up. It is getting harder and harder to breathe. I try to kick one last time before I am pulled into complete darkness.

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