
533 17 13

Yay, I am having a contest!!

What do you want me to do...

1: names and last name
(The character will be 15)
2: Eye/hair color
3: fashion style
4: interests
5: likes and dislikes
6: Has a crush on or is dating
(Made up character of social media influencer)
7: Background story
8: Personality
9:Annndddd.... vote on this story 😏

Hope you are all enjoying this I just thought I try something new and I hope to see you as the winner I don't exactly know when this is going to end but it will end sometime you'll be added into this book or possibly another book also

Now you cannot DM me your character because my DM's do not work and I do not know why so yeah but hope you like it anyways bye 👋 love you 😘
- Lunar 🌙

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