Vampire Knight: Akatsuki Kain My Dear

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A young woman with a suttle brunette hair color came running towards me with full power, nearly tackling me to the ground when her body collided with mine. She was quite tall, nearly six-foot, yet acted like a child. She was annoying, frustrating, and troublesome. But she was my best friend.


I forced a laugh through her tight grip, squirming my way out. She and I attended the same school for quite some time until I was forced to be homeschooled because of my father's physcotic belifes. So this meeting at True Cross academy was somewhat of our reunion.

"I pulled some strings, and we'll be rooming together!"

Really? I didn't know Momoe had that sort of influence. But, she wasn't very smart;She had a rich family to get her anywhere she wanted. Unlike me, who worked my way with grades. Back home, all I have is my bedwritten mother and a father in prison.

"Come with me! I'll show you to the woman's dorms. There's so much about this academy that I adore! Expecially the Night Class boys!"

Night Class? Was that some special class for intelligent people? I felt a bit jealous even though I had little to no clue of what that class was about, if it was for the studious then why was I not in it?

Once we were inside our dorm room on the third floor, she tore open our luggage and put everything in it's appropriate drawers. We played blaring loud music and decorated our rooms to how we wanted it, which drowned out the screaming of the Day Class students as they watched the Night Class head to their classes. The Day Classes started in the morning, so there was no worry. By the time we were finished, it was very late at night, closer to morning. Shutting off the music, the two women burried themselves in the covers of their bed and quickly fell into a deep slumber.



Who was that calling my name?



A man's voice. I can hardly see his sillouete against this odd garnet mist. Let's see...he has a dark hair color and a lanky figure.



I jolted awake from by bed, forcing myself to sit up when I saw Momoe sitting at the end of my bed.

"We'll be late for our first day!"

Vampire Knight: Akatsuki Kain My DearWhere stories live. Discover now