A Desperate Longing

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"Kaori!" Momoe whined, grabbing my arm and ripping me out of my awe filled trance.

Glancing behind her for a breif moment, I could see a large hoard of girls with narrowed eyes looking right at me.

"Let's go!" My beloved friend yanked me along with her sprint, a wide smile on her lips. I excelled in cross country and track, so a sudden sprint wasn't anything for me but it seemed to take it's toll on Momoe.

Finally, she stopped in the woods of True Cross behind one of the countless towering trees.

Panting, she began to laugh.

"They were so jealous!"

They? Does she mean the girls? Why on earth would they be jealous of me? I was the weird looking girl with an odd hair color and a strange taste in clothing.


It struck me; they were jealous because Kain noticed me! That made so much sense; why the girls hoarded at the gates of the Night Class dorms was to see the students of those dorms. It was apparent that only Night Class students payed any attention to the Day Class girls.

"You're so lucky Kaori! I wish Kain could have seen me! Is he your favorite? Mine is Kaname!"

"Oh, Kain was his name?"

I obviously failed at my attempt at hiding my intrest in one of the Night Class students.

"He was pretty cute."

There, hopefully that sounded like someone who wasn't intrested in anyone. I didn't want to be the same as all those other girls; swooning for a boy that all the girls love just wasn't how I typically functioned.

I can't belive it, but I just realized that we were running so that the Day Class fangirls wouldn't chase us and maul me to death.

"Momoe, can we go back to our dorm?"



It was about 9 pm when Momoe and I finally settled down in our room, changed into our sleepwear and chatting with the lights off.

Momoe spoke about grades, boys (Day and Night Class), and some other things but I really didn't pay attention.

He was sexier than the others with a style as if he didn't even try. The open buttons on his shirt didn't leave much to the imagination. His broad shoulders, towering height, and large feet. Well, large feet meant a large...

"Night Kaori!"

The only reason I stopped thinking about Kain was because Momoe happened to say goodnight in a sing-song tone.

I think I want to go see the Night Class students again tomorrow.

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