Chapter 2

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                                                                    Way Out

I sat waiting for what felt like hours until an excited looking Scott finally burst through our front door. "I've got it! I've finally got it! Rob sold me the 'Way Out'!" He says with a huge grim spread across his face.

"What's that?" I ask, unimpressed.

"It's the game that lets you stay. Once you enter, you never come back. You can be whoever you want and do whatever you want, limitless possibility. We can finally leave this broken society!" He squeals, a little too happy.

"What happens to your body?" I ask, afraid I already know the answer.

"What do you think? I'm going to enter, you can come too. If not, this is goodbye." He stares at me.

"No. I'm never getting in one of those things."

"Violet, we can finally get out! Even though you disintegrate in this world, you live forever in that reality!"

"Why are you so happy about this? You won't be leaving Scott, I'm sorry." I say as I hold up my GCC badge.

And as soon as the words slip from my mouth, my GCC squad came out from where I had positioned them before. I see him drop the chip and watch as it slides under the dresser, but i have more important things to worry about right now. I can come back for it later. "Bitch! You work for them?!?!" Scott screams as he is cuffed and thrown to the ground.

I reply with silence. Then one of the officers turn to me, "Sergeant Starr, permission to shoot prosecutor on the spot for his crimes?"

"What?! No." I push the constables off of Scott and he takes off. I see one of the constables stand up and raise the hilt of his gun. As I feel it crash into my skull, everything goes black.

I wake to a bright light in my eyes and a pounding head. When my vision clears, I see commissioner Kane sitting across from me. We seem to be in some sort of questioning room. "We had high hopes for you Sergeant, such potential. But you seem to have forgotten what's at stake here." He stares at me with his cold, soulless eyes.

"No, I seem to have realized how brainwashed we are. Hurting the citizens were supposed to protect from the games? I'm starting to wonder what exactly we're protecting them from sir." I spit back.

"It was too long ago for you to remember what it was like before we banned the Etheros.  Citizens wasting their life on a fantasy, not being able to distinguish reality from fiction. Society was falling, crime and poverty at its highest yet. We are the only force left. Well....I say 'we'. You will be surrendering your badge of course." He states, holding out his hand. 

I begin handing the badge over. But as soon as I get close enough, I punch him in the face. He falls off his chair and stands up. As I stand up he charges at me. I dodge out of the way as Commissioner Kane runs straight into the wall and falls to the ground. I suspect he has knocked himself out. So as the sirens go off, I make a run for it.

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