Chapter 3

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                                                                 Game over

As I run through the dimly lit streets of Joval finding my way back home, I hear the GCC squads storming through the streets around me, yelling all sorts of commands. Thank god I'm a fast runner I think to myself as I arrive back home. I see Scott about to close the lid on his coffin. "WAIT!" I yell

"What here to arrest me?" He says, with a little bit too much attitude for my liking. But hey, I deserve it.

"Here to join you," I reply.

"You sure?"

"Get me out of here. Now"

"Ok, hop in." He shuffles over.

As I climb in, I feel the cables pierce through my skin and look for my spine, it feels as if a thousand little fire ants were running around in my back. When the cables find my spine, the needles settle in and everything I have ever known fades away around me. I hear the GCC burst in but I know that all they will find is an empty coffin and half a loaf of bread. Then I hear a lady say three simple words that change my life forever "Welcome to Etheros."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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