Chapter X

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Chapter X

"Calm down" Mrs. Griffiths we shall lower the vile Lock Hart away from our most beloved daughter we shall defend any rumors from coming against her person on the matter of her kidnapping. Spoke the Vicount Griffths quite sure of his speech he was even believing it more himself, he was convinced Lock Hart had forgotten all about the gold, but as he recalled a present conversation earlier with Detective Earnshaw they devised the perfect con to nab the notorious Lock Hart after many weeks on weeks Lock Hart had remained one step ahead of them, they gained little to null information now sure after many weeks and months they will secure his daughter leaving the woman on London it was decided he would take the trip with the detective and English authorities to rescue Honoria. Dalston would be accompanying them on their journey to the island while Lady Vivianne would be keeping a watch eye upon the Viscountess distress.

Mrs. Griffiths righted with the response from her husband, she could not calm down her only daughter, her only child is missing and her reputation has been in jeopardy in these long months they have sought for her after fear concerning their own lives which Lock Hart had threatened she had beyond hope that Honoria was in good health. Lady Jane and Lady Henrietta joined the party they were present back in the carriage to the Griffths estate all taking tea they had bid the detective , Mr.Griffths , Dalston Goodbye and wished them well and encourage them greatly with success in their travels. The nurse had been caring for Mr and Mrs. Northcliffe children Vivianne felt an unease in her stomach, she felt light headed and ignored how she felt she almost collided with her tea cup into the vase fixture Lady Jane and Henrietta exchanged worried glances while Mrs. Griffiths had been still obsessed within her own distresses of Honoria and what this could possibly mean to the Griffths namesake would they be outcast by society, would there be shameful glances? She pondered.

"I think you should rest Vivianne , you look quite pare" I dare say I'm quite concerned spoke Henrietta.

"As am I", encouraged Lady Jane, she'd gone over assisting her companion up to her feet. 

"I've felt this particular discomfort to other times.. morning sickness, I wish not to claim so in this dire time , I intend to be strong " added Vivianne

"She is with child " spoke Vicountess Grifthes it had been evident from the beginning I to have had similarities with Honoria , "I shall call out for a servant to escort you to a room and to send for you a doctor" said Mrs.Griffths

"That won't be necessary Viscountess, "Youv'e already so expressed so much kindness to me" Added Vivianne Rubbing her head.

"As I will return the favor for your kindness in my own need at this unfortunate circumstance , "I shall have no arguments it is settled" said  Viscountess Marie Griffiths.

"So it is" added Both Henrietta and Lady Jane before taking delights in their refreshed poured tea and sweets which the servants had brought out to them.


"After are time..I've spent harboured with you Hart I have grown to deeply love you..perhaps in a strange way, despite the circumstances You've rescued..kidnapped me from a life I had not deem at first rescuing from nevertheless I Thank You, Though I still am quite upset with the whole kidnapping ordeal though I shall overlook for love's sake " said Honroria Gently.

"So you will be my wife?' Said Lock Hart adjusted.

"Yes, I am yours, though I  will not expect a special marriage certificate, license I for one will be married within a church and my friends and loved ones shall be there as attendants ". Spoke Honoria with Authority.

"Yes to have you, "I shall say yes to anything my Beloved simply because I cannot see a life without you there next to me spoke Lock Hart.

Suddenly banging sounds come from the door both stare at one another there are loud voices, voices which are most familiar to her yet she is surprised and unsettled Lock Hart takes hold of her she resists fear can be seen through his eyes. "No, I'm running, my love, we shall face them together.

Lake Hart, Your Under Arrest for Kidnapping--

"Do not arrest him, he has done no wrong, I've gone willingly and could have escaped willingly" Honoria implored she now blocking the controls away from Lock Hart with her body. 

"Don't be foolish" added Dalston firmly. She shot him a glare.

"There's no need to be frightened my daughter you are safe, we come to rescue with you to return you back to England, your mother is in great angst " added The Viscount.

"I shall only come if the charges have been removed since I love this man he is my lover, we have decided to be married, your nor no other can convince me this cannot be so, we had acquired a license Honoria admitted".

Her Father reaching for his head in shock. "You cannot think of his reputation child.. What he is! Spat The Viscount. The Detective feeling rather Horrified while Dawson ready to carry Honoria out if necessary engaging in conversations with the British authorities the authorities disputed further more with Lord Dalston.

"Fine" Though a proper wedding shall be set in England at the very least in this you cannot  dispute. Responded the Viscount. Honoria Turned to Lock Hart him to her they were all smiles he promised Honoria he'd live an honest life for her and he would acquire a home and so he did, they both lived a happily ever life together, she soon found out she was far along and upon delivering she gave birth to triplets two boys and one girl. Viviane and Lord Dalston gave birth to a son. And at first The Viscountess was rather Distress with Vivianne marrying a Highway thief, she knew not what to tell her companions of this situation she would not come out of her room for weeks then one day she and Honoria were on best of terms once more and she was more than happy to become a grandmama.

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