Chapter 33: Another Trystine.

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* Above song is one of my fav song- Galway Girl.



I want to be your

Scintillating Star,

That you wish upon every night.

The way that you stare at that pixie little dot in the night,

Makes me envious of something so far ajar,

Yet so gigantic,

If one looks close apart.

It twinkles at me,

Making me lost in its own glorious fury,

Yet being so mighty and brave.

The Star dares to shine upon this clandestine sky,

But it's not all alone,

Stars has their own tiny little friends,

Accompanying them to the journey towards the crescent moon above,

Be it the full moon,

Be it the lunar eclipse,

Stars are the true friends of the moon,

For their love for one another last till the moon and back.

_Trishala. A .



It was late Friday night, I was busy making some marshmallows with hot chocolate as it was really cold outside, mid November was indeed unexpectedly cold and so does my apartment, mentally noting myself that I need a heater from my next month salary, I sat down with the refreshing hot drink, as I popped one of the pink marshmallows inside my mouth and sipped in my hot chocolate, as the marshmallow melted inside my mouth, I moaned at the certain burst of the flavour, enjoying each and every bit of it, as I made sure to enjoy it thoroughly, cause who knows when will I get a chance to taste them again, they were the last things left in my grocery, my last month salary is already being used off while paying up the bills.

I smiled at the thought of being able to live up on my own, to face all the troubles that a normal person faces when they live on their own, certainly doing a part time job and managing high school seems to be exhausting, this life isn't trouble I have to work hard to make my ends meet, even though this life is not full of luxury that I could have back in my house but still this place has certain thing which I couldn't even afford by paying millions back there in Millensh, that was 'freedom'.

'Freedom' to make my own decisions, freedom to live your life on your own, it made me learn that surviving and living in this world is difficult, living alone is not a piece of cake, with freedom comes responsibility, I have to make sure that I don't misuse it, society often mars the independent-nature of people who live on their own, they somehow or the other associate us with bad things, so its really difficult to live on your own and being a seventeen year old teenager living alone is not easy, you can even get a creepy stalker for yourself if you aren't cautious, so I have to be always alert of my surrounding, but overall I matured a bit, learning new things made an impact on my mind, I was glad to leave my house and most certainly leaving back my surname 'Millenrai' back home.

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