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"Ally are you ready, the cars here to go to the airport" my mom shouts up the stairs. I run down the stairs carrying my suit case, "yeah I'm ready".

Me and my family are going to Spain for a month with some of my parents friends, I don't know why we have to go all the way to Spain to see them because they live in LA with us, but oh well.
I take a seat in the uber next to my sister Kimberly, Kim is older than me but we get on really well.

We arrive at the airport and have something to eat, "mom aren't we meeting your friends here?" Kimberly asks.
"Yeah can you save 4 seats for them Allison" mom asks me and then walks off to go to the bathroom.
"Why does she always call me Allison" I laugh to Kimberly and she laughs back.

"There they are" dad says, pointing out 4 people to mom who has now returned from the bathroom. "Hi" mom says hugging them all. "Stevie look at you, so grown up".

I introduce myself to Stevie and her brother and hug her mom and dad.
"Mom, I've heard that there is a really good guitar shop in this airport, can I go look I've finished eating" I ask my mom, hoping to get a new guitar.
"Yeah why don't you all go and we will stay here" mom says, and I nod.
Kimberly stands up and so does Stevie and her brother, we walk to the shop. I look around until I see the perfect guitar.
I pay for it and then we head out the shop.
"You play guitar?" Stevie says walking beside me, "yeah I do" I reply.
I see her smile, "nice" she says.
"Come on guys the flights leaving soon" Stevie's mom says.
We walk to the plane and head to our seats, i ended up sitting by myself for the whole flight, but I didn't mind.

3 hours into the flight I'm awoken by Kimberly sitting on my knee, "Stevie keeps looking at you" she tells me.
I rub my eyes and see Stevie is in fact looking at me, she looks away quickly. "Oh yeah" I say smiling.

"Allison were here wake up" my mom says shaking me, I wake up and see we are landing, I grab my stuff and wait for the doors to open.
We all head off the plane, I step out and the heat hits my whole body, it was probably a bad idea to wear a hoodie.

We walk through the airport and I see someone that looks familiar, "dad is that Danny" I say looking confused, I watch a smile grow on my dads face, and I realise it is Danny. I run towards him and give him a hug. "DANNY" I shout, "what are you doing here".

"My family are here for another week" he tells me, I smile and jump up and down. "Miss Hills, my dad is outside, we are driving you all there" he says again.
"Wow thank you Danny" mom says. Danny smiles.

We head to his dads car and all try and squeeze in, I have Kimberly on my knee and I'm squashed against Stevie.
Once we get there I rush out of the car, "thank god we're here, I'm so hot" I say trying to fan myself.
"Oh we want to invite you all to dinner tonight" Danny's dad says helping us with our bags. "That would be great, thank you" miss boebi says.

"This house is massive" Stevie says. I nod and look around, "go pick your rooms guys, you all have one each" Stevie's mom says.

I head to the top floor and choose the room furthest away from everyone so that I can play my guitar at 3am.
I place my bags down and unpack my clothes, placing them into the closet. After I've finished unpacking, I jump onto my bed and check the time on my phone. 6pm.
"Guess it's time to get ready" I whisper to myself.

I head to my bathroom and turn the shower on. I take off all my clothes and throw them into my washing basket.
I get in the shower and wash my hair and the rest of my body.
Once I'm done I get out and dry myself and dry my hair, I pick out some black shorts and a black tank top from my closet  and put them on.
"Allison" my mom says coming in my room. "Danny said it's a fancy restaurant so wear a dress".
She then heads back out of my room. I sigh and pick out my black short dress and change my outfit. I then straighten my hair and do my makeup.

I realise that I'm ready a bit early to I decide to just play my guitar for a bit.

Stevie's POV

Once I finished getting ready I head down the stairs to the main room, "Stevie you look gorgeous" ally's mom says looking at my white dress. "Thank you" I say smiling. "Can you go get Ally to come downstairs for me?" She asks me and I nod. I run upstairs and go to Ally's room, I hear her playing a guitar and singing some song. She sounds amazing.

I knock on her door and the sound of her guitar stops, the door opens and I see her standing there, she looks beautiful. " erm... oh your mom says to come downstairs" I say and smile. "Oh ok, thank you" she says, I think she noticed I was staring.

I go back down the stairs with ally trailing behind me. Everyone is now downstairs and all eyes are on me and Ally. I watch ally make her way over to Danny, who is now here too.
"Excuse me taxi driver, can you take a photo of us all" ally's mom says handing Ally's phone to him. He nods and we all move into position, I stand next to ally and put my arm round her waist for the photo. I smile until he finally takes it.
We then take another funny photo, Ally and Danny are dabbing and the rest of us are just doing funny faces.
"Thank you" Ally says getting her phone off the driver.

Ally's POV

We arrive at the restaurant and the waitress comes and takes our orders, "hi guys what can I get you?" She says.
I recognise that voice, I look up and see it's my ex girlfriend Tori.
"Tori, hi , guys this is Ally's ex girlfriend" my mom says, I put my head in my hands, "oh hi I didn't realise it was all of you, how are you all doing" tori asks. I look up again and leave my hand on the table, "were great, right ally?" Mom says again looking at me,
"Errr, yeah we're fine" I say trying to avoid eye contact with tori.
She takes our orders and then takes it to the chef, I see her heading back to the table, and she's standing behind me talking to my mom. I feel a hand on my shoulder, "ally can I talk to you" tori says, i look at Danny, and then look at Tori and nod.

We head outside and go round the back of the restaurant where nobody will here, "listen alls, I'm so sorry about breaking up with you on your birthday, I wanna make it up to you , I still love you ally and I always will, I was a bitch. I knew you were coming to Spain to I asked Danny to bring you here so I could see you, I want you back ally" she says moving closer to me until I can feel her breath on my face.
I stay silent for a good minute, until she puts her hand on my face and then kisses me, I actually kiss her back tho.

This kiss finally ends and then I decide to say something, "I'm gonna go back to the table, text me tho" I say giving her my number. The nods and kisses my head, I walk away and go back to the table with Tori following behind me.
I sit back down and see my food has arrived, I start eating and listening to everyone's conversations. "Al, how did that go" Danny says from opposite me, "I don't want to talk about it" I say eating more food. "Lipstick" Danny says pointing to my lips, I grab a napkin and wipe Tori's lipstick off my lips. "Thanks" I tell him.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, I check it and see it's a text off tori.

From Tori x
You look beautiful<3

I look towards the bar and see her smirking at me, I smile and then look away and place my phone back in my pocket.

"Is everyone done" Tori asks wanting to take our plates, she stands behind me with her hands on my shoulder and neck. I look down feeling really awkward, "yeah thank you tori" Stevie's mom says.
I look at Stevie and see she's giving Tori a dirty look, what's wrong with her, is she jealous or something?.

Tori takes some of the plates and comes back for mine, she kisses my head as she grabs the plate, making sure nobody's looking. This girl broke my heart but she's managing to steal it back again.
"Hi everyone, Ive finished work now, but here's a bottle of champagne on me" Tori says placing it on the table.
"Awww thank you so much Tori, your a star" Stevie's dad says.
"Allison, hug?" She asks me. I stand up and give her a hug before she leaves, I sit back down and watch her walk out the door.

We arrive back home and it's already like 1am, I'm pretty drunk so I've decided just to go bed. This jet lag is killing me tho. I say goodnight to everyone and then head upstairs and fall asleep.

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