hard times

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Ally's POV

I open my eyes but force them shut again because of the sun, I blink my eyes until they get used to the light and then look around, realising I'm still at the wedding place. I slept here?, I don't even remember what happened yesterday. I sit up and my head starts pounding, "fuck" I say to myself.

"Hey" I hear Danny's voice say from next to me, I turn my head and look at him, "hi" I say.

I get up and see Shannon sat at the bar by herself, I take a seat next to her, "hey,do you know what happened last night I don't remember a thing" I ask Shannon, I watch a smirk grow on her face, "you had a good time with Stevie" she says still smirking.


I walk to the bathroom with Stevie, she pushes me up against the wall and starts kissing me, "don't you remember me ally, we met on a night out, and we went on dates" Stevie says kissing me again, I start to remember everything, "yeah I remember" I say confused.

"I love you Allison" Stevie says.

And then I passed out.

End of flashback

"Fuck" I say and then see Stevie walking up to us, "morning guys" she says sitting next to me, "morning" Shannon says and I smile.

I feel someone hug my back and kiss me cheek, it's Tori.
"Ally please don't be mad at me, I fucked up, I know I did, I just felt lonely and I couldn't find you, I was getting all stressed and then a girl kissed me and I thought it was you, but then when I realised it wasn't I slapped her and ran off, I've got you breakfast to make up for it and say sorry" she says handing me a brown paper bag with McDonalds in it.
I'm so temped to forgive her but what would Stevie think, she'd hate me, fuck sake what am I thinking I don't even like Stevie, do I?

"Ok, its your last chance Tori, and I mean it this time" I smile.
I watch her sigh in relief and then kiss me.
"I've gotta get to work but, I'll come to the house later to see you all" Tori says, i nod, she says bye to everyone, kisses me and then leaves.

A car pulls up in front of us, it's Stevie's mom, we all get in the car and go back to the house, as soon as I get in I run up to my room and take shower, I take off all my clothes from last night and wipe my makeup off before getting in.

Once I Finnish showering I put on some shorts and my bikini top considering it's fucking boiling, I put my socks on, do my hair and then go back down stairs, "Allison, did you have a good night" my mom says giving me a hug, "yeah it was amazing" I tell her and smile, I see Stevie looking at me smirking, my mom walks off so I decide to go sit in the garden and sun bathe, it's winter in LA so I'm making the most of this heat in Spain while I can.

"Hi baby" Tori says coming from behind me, kissing my head, she sits on my knee and rubs her hands on my bare legs. "Hi, how was work" I ask putting my hand on her back, "shit but the boss let me go home early because he felt sorry for me" she says and cuddles into me.
I notice tori staring at me, I look at her and smile, "your beautiful" she says playing with my hair. I try to hide the fact that I'm blushing but it is really hard.

My phone starts vibrating, it's Shannon.

Ally- "hello"
Shan- "ally" she says crying
Ally- "what's wrong"
Shan-"cammie broke up with me, can I come over"
Ally- "yeah if course you can"
Shan- "im outside"
Ally- "I'll come find you"

I end the calm then look back at Tori, "shan needs me, she's broke up with cam" I say and run off the the front door, I open it and see a crying Shannon on the porch, she runs up to me and hugs me, I hold her as tight as I can trying to calm her down, she's a mess, tears fall down my face, this is making me so upset seeing Shannon like this.

I come out of the hug and bring Shannon in, we go up to my room and Shannon lies in my bed, I sit next to her and stroke her hair, before I know it she has fallen asleep. I kiss her head and make my way back downstairs.
"Babe, Cammie is here" Tori says wiping the tears from under my eyes and then kissing my cheek,
Cammie comes running up to me crying, "Ally I need to talk her, I've made a big mistake, please" she says tears falling down her face, she looks broken, I hug her and let her relax in my arms, "she's sleeping Cam, when she wakes up you can, just stay here for a bit" I tell her.

"I wanna be there when she wakes up" she says into my ear, I pull out of the hug and look at her, I nod, "ok, she's in my room, top floor, be quiet when you walk in" I say, she kisses my cheek and runs up the stairs.

2 hours later Shan and Cammie come down the stairs holding hands, I smile at them, I'm so happy.
Shannon comes up to me and hugs me tightly, "thank you" she says burying her head in my neck, I smile and pull out the hug, "Stevie ally mike, we are going out tonight and we won't be back until tomorrow so you all have the house to yourself, you can have like Danny and stuff over, we will see you tomorrow, here's some money for pizza" stevies mom says and they all run out the house.
‭‭"well fuck knows where their going, I'll ring Danny and tell him to bring his friends, shan cam sleep over" I say and grab my phone and decide to text Danny instead.

To Danny

Hey come over all the 'parents' are out until tomorrow so we have a free house x

I wait a few minutes for a reply.

From Danny,
I'm on my way, I'm bringing 2 of my mates als x

I put my phone away and decide to go and get dressed, I run up to my room and put some black ripped jeans on and a black tank top, I sit on my bed and grab my guitar, then write down more lyrics that I've thought of for my new song, I play my guitar and sing the first verse,

You don't even care that my clothes aren't there, you need the hanger space, you don't even mind cause you don't waste time, filling in all the blanks, I wish you were sad for a day so you would know how it tastes to be lonely. I wish you would stay for a night to see what it's like fading slowly.

I put my guitar back down and try and think of some more lyrics for the rest of the song, I write down a few ideas but realise I need to carry on getting ready.

I apply my makeup and then go back downstairs, Danny and his friends are here now. "Who wants to order pizza, I'm starving" Shannon says, we all nod and order 3 pizzas for us all to share.
"Ally what was that song you were singing in your room, we heard you" Stevie asks me, I look around and everyone is listening, "oh that, it's just something I'm working on, it's not finished tho" I say and smile, I stand up and walk to the fridge, looking for beer, I spot a blue moon at the bottom and grab it, I open it and take a quick swig then sigh.

Someone knocks at the door, "PIZZA" Danny shouts and then goes to answer it, he opens the door and pays the man.

After we all eat it's 2am, so we decide to all go to bed, me and tori go to my room, I change into my pjs and jump in bed and tori does the same, she cuddles into me and we both fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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